How to reset an NSProgressBar?

I have an NSProgressBar that I use continuously in my app. I have managed to spawn off a background thread to handle processing and calls a series of routines on main thread to update the progress bar. When I run this the first time around, it works perfectly.

When the app is still open and I use further processing, the same process of initializing the progress bar is called, but the process bar starts off being 100% full as shown in this image:

My guess is that I need to call something to reset the ProgessBar but I have not found such method.

Here are my functions for setting the initial value, updating, and finishing the progress bar:

on StartProgress_(maxValue)
        tell progressBar
        end tell
    end StartProgress_
    on IncrementMyProgress_(message)
        progressBarInfo's setStringValue_(message)
        tell progressBar
        end tell
    end IncrementMyProgress_
    on StopProgress_()
        progressBarInfo's setStringValue_("Finished!")
    end StopProgress_

You need:

progressBar's setDoubleValue_(0.0)


That did the trick, I knew I was somewhat close!

Thanks for your reply!