Deployed the second script to ScriptEditor, changed iTunes to Music (I am using Music not iTunes) and executed - gave me error “Music got an error: Can’t get name of user playlist id 68 of source id 64.” number -1728 from name of user playlist id 68 of source id 64" " Not sure why?!
Could be a permissions issue. Have you granted script editor accessibly access?
I don’t think there a change in accessing the name. Where in the script do it error? On the getPlaylistDict function?
Also may need to change the filtering of the get playlists. In base iTunes there is only PlaylistKind. In iTunes with Bridging there is a
Kind property and a specialKind Property.
Based on the low id number of the playlist I’m guessing that is one of of the Library playlists, like Music Library Playlist. Which you probably don’t want. When I get home I’ll try to give you a better filter that may work.
Filtering on kind and specialKind.
Can you view the Music scripting def Dictionary in script editor?
Have a look a Playlist Class and it’s prioerties.
Also look at the UserPlaylist class as that what you really want