Apple Script to Count File Progress During Copying


Still interesting to see what took place in the mean time. I might end up understanding it better, if I see the evolution.

Now, from the first WordPerfect to the last, “ that is just horrible! :smiley: Word Perfect was a very advanced program for its time, in the DOS world. Written in 100% Assembler. I used to have AtariST and GEM OS from Digital Research at that time with a PC emulator, that worked, but slow, so I never dared trying it. That was the closest my budget took me towards a Mac, they were rather expensive back then. :slight_smile: Another funny thing, is that yesterday’s shelf-ware, becomes todays nerdware, because, it is not any easier to to use wordperfect, than say vi. :slight_smile: You have to remember a lot of arcane keyboard shortcuts to be productive with it, in its original, unwindowmized form.

Totaly agree, I like to look at old code to understand things better myself. I do it still today, to know how some commands work I download the source from to understand what they are exactly doing. It’s sometimes even better than reading an manual.

Yes. At least the statements stands for the ultimate truth! :slight_smile: (Not necessarily the comments, on a general basis.)

Please tell me, should you know something better than cscope to peruse through code with.

I am not sure if I want to look at the xnu kernel though, since I believe this to be a mess, with a Mach kernel, interwined, entangled and coexisting with CoreFoundation, IOKIt and BSD.

For the record is one of my favorite places to, for all their useful snippets. I often end up there when I google for something. And most of the time, I leave with a labor saving snippet, or something more.


A simple, and not to slow way to get the filecount of a folder for use with Stefan’s app is:

set pxpath to "~/Desktop"
set fc to (do shell script "find " & pxpath & " -type f |wc -l")