I’m afraid I can’t help with Excel. But you could possibly help any potential helpers by clarifying what the output should be and what the input could be. Stefan’s second script, mine, and Shane’s all produce exactly the output you requested in your first post from the input given. In this, the trailing space is removed from "Test7 ", but not from the other lines. This is a bit strange and the other scripts are intelligent attempts to guess at what you may actually have meant. It would help to have some clarity on this point. Also, the ‘word’ solutions will lose any non-alphanumeric characters at the beginning of the first line or at the end of the last, so it would be useful to know if the lines could contain any punctuation or spaces which need to be kept.
Select a single column of your data starting with the first row of data thru the last row of data in Excel. Then, run the following AppleScript:
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "OSAKit"
use scripting additions
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
set rowCount to count of rows of selection
set myString to "" as text
repeat with j from 1 to rowCount
set myString to myString & (value of row j of selection) as text
if j < rowCount then
set myString to myString & return as text
end if
end repeat
end tell
display dialog (((current application's OSAScript's alloc()'s initWithSource:("paragraphs from word 1 to word -1 of \"" & myString & "\""))'s executeAndReturnDisplayValue:(reference) |error|:(missing value))'s end's |string|() as text)
For python there is openpyxl so you can read the spreadsheet file and return the wanted data back to AppleScript without use of spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel or Numbers.
This code does as intended, with one small problem when used in the real world with longs strings of text, and more than 45 lines! The text that appears in the output box is so long I can’t copy all of it!
Would it be possible to offer a ‘copy to clipboard’ button, or output the text in another manor that will make copying the final result full proof?
The OP showed quite clear input text + quite clear text that he would like to receive as a result. So, here are a bunch of massive solutions, besides this simple one:
set myString to "
set myList to paragraphs 2 thru -1 of (text 1 thru -3 of myString)