Bypassing Open and Save of the NSDocument class

If you want an rtfd, use rtfd as the extension.

Gives similar results, with .rtfd extension, and without extension at all. At least with the .atxt extension I get my correct icon…

I’m sure the solution is more at hand it has never been, there is only a detail missing, but what? I’m using the wrong combination of Writing and Reading methods, maybe with wrong data… help me to solve this thing, please…

I’m using gTextView for a textView class in IB, with all options checked (without “Field Editor” and “Only Roman Characters”.
I want to save the text contents to a (wrapper) rtfd-like file, with or without special icon.
I want to retrieve these contents and install them into gTextView.

How would you do that?

And… shall I send a new topic on this site? the subject has evolved.

Thanks (it’s getting late in Switzerland :confused: )

Have you checked the checkmark under Package for the file type in Project → Edit Active Target → Properties?

It’s done. Same result: Writing as folder+TXT.rtf file, no reading.

Have you set its role to Editor?

Otherwise I’m out of ideas. In a couple of days I’m also out of the country:), so I’m running out of time. The only other thing I can suggest is that you look at one of the sample apps, to see what they do.