change and set monitor resolution...

Did you start the script from Script Editor or did you start the application bundle?

In this case there’s a big difference:
in Script Editor “path to me” refers to Script not to the script.
So you must start the script from its application bundle

Threre is another error: you have to perform “cscreen -l” to get the list of parameters.

set cscreen to quoted form of POSIX path of (((path to me) as string) & "Contents:Resources:cscreen")
set screenResolution to do shell script cscreen & " -l"
if screenResolution contains "1280" or screenResolution contains "1600" or screenResolution contains "1920" then
	do shell script cscreen & " -s 1 -x 800 -y 600"
end if

it was :

set screenResolution to do shell script cscreen & " -l"

it’s ok now !:slight_smile:
I can finish my Flash project thanks to you.
You are very impressive. :wink: