Change Sort in a list alphabetically

A bit early :cool:, I still have to work 3 more days (including this one). Thanks, and same to you all!

Thanks! It’s not only faster (for smaller lists), it uses the actual locale settings in AppleScript while bash’s locale settings are still (till mountain lion) single byte encoding inherited from ISO latin 1 collation. That means the bash version only works properly with Unicode characters 1 thru 127 unfortunately, while yours works properly with every unicode character. I think, that’s very useful when file names contains umlauts for instance.

It works a bit more like Bash then :wink: . The ‘bug’ you mentioned is still in there on Mountain Lion.

edit: Because Nigel’s script made me curious here a version that works similar to my bash version

set theFiles to {"cö", "", "org.x.X11.plist", "org.mozilla.firefox.plist", "", "", "QuickTime Preferences", "com.TeamViewer8.Settings.plist", "com.quark.quarkupdate.preferences.plist", "Compressed file.7z", "Compressed file 3.7z", "Compressed file 2.7z", "Compressed file 5.7z", "Compressed file 4.7z"}

set theList to splitFileName(theFiles)
set sorted2DList to bubbleSort2D(theList, 1)
set theList to mergeFileName(sorted2DList)

return theList

on bubbleSort2D(_data, _field)
	script l
		property f : _data --just to speed things up
	end script
	set _end to (count l's f) - 1 --every iteration the last item will always be sorted, therefore we can decrease amount of checks by -1 every time. 
	set _pos to 1 --the current position in the lis
	set _sorted to true --when there is no swap between cells in a go, the data is sorted
	repeat until _end < 2
		if isGreater(item _field of item (_pos) of l's f, item _field of item (_pos + 1) of l's f) then
			tell l's f to set {item _pos, item (_pos + 1)} to {contents of item (_pos + 1), contents of item _pos}
			set _sorted to false
		end if
		if _pos = _end then
			if _sorted then exit repeat
			set _pos to 1
			set _end to _end - 1
			set _sorted to true
			set _pos to _pos + 1
		end if
	end repeat
	return _data
end bubbleSort2D

on isGreater(a, b)
	(a > b)
end isGreater

on splitFileName(_data)
	script l
		property f : _data
	end script
	set {oldTD, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, "."}
	repeat with x from 1 to count l's f
		set item x of l's f to {text items 1 thru -2 of item x of l's f as string, contents of item x of l's f}
	end repeat
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldTD
	return _data
end splitFileName

on mergeFileName(_data)
	script l
		property f : _data
	end script
	repeat with x from 1 to count of l's f
		set item x of l's f to item 2 of item x of l's f
	end repeat
	return _data
end mergeFileName

Thanks Nigel.
It make sense.

Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 19 décembre 2012 18:38:21

I though Awk would be really nice for this, and avoiding two calls of sed, while getting the extensions back on,I thought it would be gainful. But, it wasn’t really. Leveraging on pipes inside awk scripts turned out to be a bad idea, as they are kind of one way pipes either you read them, or you write them.

Awk is a nice descendant of sed, like it, it goes with the flow, with range patterns, and pattern action patterns. :slight_smile:

Here it is, I don’t have the patience to convert it into a do shell script at the moment.

You have to chmod u+x to make it executable, and feed the files either from stdin, or through a command line argument to the script. And hearing about codepoints and umlauts, that doesn’t make it a whole lot better, regarding its usability, so this is a mere alternative solution. But it works, at least for me.

"#!/usr/bin/awk -f 
BEGIN { FS="" } 
$0 !~ /[\.]/ { 
	ext[ $0 ]= "" 
	t = t "\n" $0
$0 ~ /[\.]/{ 
		t = t "\n" s
		n= split($0,tarr,".") 
		ext[s]= tarr[n] 
END { 
	"mktemp -t awksort " |getline tf
	command = "sort -df |tail +2 > " tf
	print t |command
	close(command )
	 while((getline fn[++i] < tf) > 0)
	for ( i=1; i<=n;i++ ) {
			fnm= fn[i]
		if ( ext[ fnm ] != "" ) 
			print fnm "." ext[ fnm ] 
			print fnm


Just ask if you want to know how, and why it works. :slight_smile: