Core Data Project?

I see a couple of potential problems/errors. In the set modelURL line try “momd” as the extension instead of “mom”, and see if that gives you a non-nil model in the log.

I’m not sure what this line should be. If you’re using sqlite, then the extension should be sqlite. I don’t know what it should be if you’re using NSXMLStoreType – I doubt it should be mom though.



From the docs:

Compiling a Data Model


I got this working but noticed the only difference in mine was I didn’t add the extension to the storeUrl. So maybe try:

set storeURL to applicationDocumentsDirectory()'s URLByAppendingPathComponent_("USGPortfolioMetaTaggerData")

and I did use “mom” in the line:

set modelURL to current application's NSBundle's mainBundle()'s URLForResource_withExtension_("USGPortfolioMetaTaggerData", "mom")
