OK. I have a project that searches in Google Maps. The problem is, if I search a business that has a website, a link will appear for the business, and the site will load in the WebKit frame. How do I stop that? Couldn’t I just use “[[[[[webView mainFrame] provisionalDataSource] request] URL] absoluteString]” to stop incoming websites, but I need it to be converted. Would it just be 's after eveything?
-- Google_MapsAppDelegate.applescript
-- Google Maps
-- Created by Dylan Weber on Sunday, May 9, 2010.
-- Copyright 2010 Dylan Weber. All rights reserved.
script Google_MapsAppDelegate
property parent : class "NSObject"
property webView : missing value
property textfield : missing value
property NSString : class "NSString"
property NSBundle : class "NSBundle"
on searchforplace_(sender)
set myplace to textfield's stringValue() as string
set myPath to NSBundle's mainBundle's pathForResource_ofType_("mapsembed", "html")
set urlFromFile to NSString's stringWithContentsOfFile_encoding_error_(myPath, 4, missing value)
set htmlString to NSString's stringWithFormat_(urlFromFile, myplace)
webView's mainFrame()'s loadHTMLString_baseURL_(htmlString, missing value)
performSelectorInBackground_withObject_("checkURL", missing value)
end searchforplace_
on checkURL()
log "checking"
if webView's mainFrame()'s provisionalDataSource's request()'s |URL|'s absoluteString() as string does not start with "http://maps.google.com/maps" then
set myplace to textfield's stringValue() as string
set myPath to NSBundle's mainBundle's pathForResource_ofType_("mapsembed", "html")
set urlFromFile to NSString's stringWithContentsOfFile_encoding_error_(myPath, 4, missing value)
set htmlString to NSString's stringWithFormat_(urlFromFile, myplace)
webView's mainFrame()'s loadHTMLString_baseURL_(htmlString, missing value)
end if
end repeat
end checkURL
end script
I tested my code with some made up locations, and it does appear that when oldLocation doesn’t exist, then the program throws an error and doesn’t open the map. I could fix it by adding these lines to the beginning of the locationManager_didUpdateToLocation_fromLocation_ method:
if oldLocation = missing value then
set oldLocation to CLLocation's alloc()'s initWithLatitude_longitude_(0.0, 0.0)
end if
I want it to not go out of google maps, like if I search a business, a link to their site will appear under them and I don’t want WebKit to go away from the maps. (Other words – keep the URL of webkit’s mainframe() to be the HTML file)
Like I said above, I tried it and it works for me – I searched for companies and it never went out of Google Maps. Give me an example of a search that goes out of Google Maps.
It seems to me that the bubble that comes up when you click on a marker is part of Google Maps functionality, and I don’t know if you can change that. Anything else that loads as a result of clicking in the map isn’t calling your method again – it’s just responding to code imbedded in Google maps.
What I meant was that I’m getting location data where I am. I need to simulate what would happen when someone who uses my app doesn’t have location data where they are.
The way I tested my program was to create the newLocation and oldLocation objects and then call the locationManager_didUpdateToLocation_fromLocation_ method directly since the location manager won’t do so if it’s not receiving any location data. I put those in the applicationWillFinishLaunching method. I also changed some of the logic in the locationManager_didUpdateToLocation_fromLocation_ method to take care of the situation where oldLocation doesn’t exist, and split out the part of that method that loads the webView into a new method called runWebView. Here is the code:
script LocatorAppDelegate
property parent : class "NSObject"
property CLLocation : class "CLLocation"
property CLLocationManager : class "CLLocationManager"
property NSString : class "NSString"
property NSURL : class "NSURL"
property NSDate : class "NSDate"
property NSWorkspace : class "NSWorkspace"
property NSBundle : class "NSBundle"
property locationManager : 0
property webView : missing value
property locationText : missing value
property accuracyText : missing value
on openInDefaultBrowser_(sender) --Connected to a button in IB
set currentLocation to locationManager's |location|()
if currentLocation is not missing value then
set lat to currentLocation's coordinate's pointValue()'s x
set lon to currentLocation's coordinate's pointValue()'s y
set latRange to latitudeRangeForLocation_(currentLocation)
set lonRange to longitudeRangeForLocation_(currentLocation)
set lat to 37.76
set lon to -122.434
set latRange to 0.15
set lonRange to 0.15
end if
set browserURL to NSURL's URLWithString_(NSString's stringWithFormat_("http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=%@,%@&spn=%@,%@", lat, lon, latRange, lonRange))
NSWorkspace's sharedWorkspace's openURL_(browserURL)
end openInDefaultBrowser_
on locationManager_didFailWithError_(locationManager, myError)
set errorString to NSString's stringWithFormat_("Location manager failed with error: %@", myError's localizedDescription())
webView's mainFrame()'s loadHTMLString_baseURL_(errorString, missing value)
locationText's setStringValue_("No Data Available")
accuracyText's setStringValue_("")
end locationManager_didFailWithError_
on locationManager_didUpdateToLocation_fromLocation_(locationManager, newLocation, oldLocation)
if oldLocation is missing value then
else if newLocation's coordinate's pointValue()'s y = oldLocation's coordinate's pointValue()'s y and ¬
newLocation's coordinate's pointValue()'s x = oldLocation's coordinate's pointValue()'s x and ¬
newLocation's horizontalAccuracy() = oldLocation's horizontalAccuracy() then
runWebView_(newLocation) -- goes to runWebView if oldLocation and newLocation are different
end if
end locationManager_didUpdateToLocation_fromLocation_
on runWebView_(newLocation)
set myPath to NSBundle's mainBundle's pathForResource_ofType_("HTMLFormatString", "html")
set urlFromFile to NSString's stringWithContentsOfFile_encoding_error_(myPath, 4, missing value)
set lat to newLocation's coordinate's pointValue()'s x
set lon to newLocation's coordinate's pointValue()'s y
set latRange to latitudeRangeForLocation_(newLocation)
set lonRange to longitudeRangeForLocation_(newLocation)
set htmlString to NSString's stringWithFormat_(urlFromFile, lat, lon, latRange, lonRange)
webView's mainFrame()'s loadHTMLString_baseURL_(htmlString, missing value)
locationText's setStringValue_(NSString's stringWithFormat_("%@, %@", lat, lon))
accuracyText's setStringValue_(NSString's stringWithFormat_("%@", newLocation's horizontalAccuracy()))
end runWebView_
on latitudeRangeForLocation_(aLocation)
set M to 6.367E+6 --approximate average meridional radius of curvature of earth
set metersToLatitude to 1.0 / ((3.1416 / 180.0) * M)
set accuracyToWindowScale to 2.0
return (aLocation's horizontalAccuracy()) * metersToLatitude * accuracyToWindowScale
end latitudeRangeForLocation_
on longitudeRangeForLocation_(aLocation)
set latRange to latitudeRangeForLocation_(aLocation)
return latRange * (getCos_((aLocation's coordinate's pointValue()'s x) * 3.1416 / 180.0))
end longitudeRangeForLocation_
on getCos_(x)
return (1 - x ^ 2 / 2 + x ^ 4 / 24 - x ^ 6 / 720 + x ^ 8 / 40320) --Approximates the cosine function
end getCos_
on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
set locationManager to CLLocationManager's alloc()'s init()
set oldLocation to CLLocation's alloc()'s initWithLatitude_longitude_(38.002, -122)
set newLocation to CLLocation's alloc()'s initWithLatitude_longitude_(38.001, -122)
locationManager's setDelegate_(me)
locationManager's setDesiredAccuracy_(0)
locationManager's setDistanceFilter_(0)
locationManager's startUpdatingLocation()
if locationManager's |location|() is missing value then
locationManager_didUpdateToLocation_fromLocation_(locationManager, newLocation, oldLocation) --Call this directly
end if
end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
on killProgram_(sender) --Connected to a button in IB
tell current application's NSApp to terminate_(me)
end killProgram_
on applicationShouldTerminate_(sender)
locationManager's stopUpdatingLocation()
return current application's NSTerminateNow
end applicationShouldTerminate_
end script
I don’t know about that one, but if you set up an observer to look at notifications coming from webView, you’ll see that it sends a “WebProgressFinishedNotification” message after it finishes loading. This is the modification of your code that I made to look at notifications:
script Google_MapsAppDelegate
property parent : class "NSObject"
property webView : missing value
property textfield : missing value
property NSString : class "NSString"
property NSBundle : class "NSBundle"
property NSNotificationCenter : class "NSNotificationCenter"
on searchforplace_(sender)
set myplace to textfield's stringValue() as string
set myPath to NSBundle's mainBundle's pathForResource_ofType_("mapsembed", "html")
set urlFromFile to NSString's stringWithContentsOfFile_encoding_error_(myPath, 4, missing value)
set htmlString to NSString's stringWithFormat_(urlFromFile, myplace)
webView's mainFrame()'s loadHTMLString_baseURL_(htmlString, missing value)
end searchforplace_
on logNotifications_(aNotification)
log aNotification
end logNotifications_
on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
set observer to NSNotificationCenter's defaultCenter
observer's addObserver_selector_name_object_(me, "logNotifications:", missing value, webView)
end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
end script
If you want to see all the notifications, replace webView in the addObserver_selector_name_object_ method with missing value --you’ll get a whole lot of notifications!
No, it doesn’t get called if the location manager isn’t getting location data. That’s why I put an explicit call to it in the if statement in the applicationWillFinishLaunching method, so I could test whether that method was working.