Create a new file, copy and rename items and put in new file

Hi Barbara

Could you please run this snippet after having the selected 10-PP-6#1 in Finder?

tell application "Finder"
	set theSel to (get its selection)
	set theFile to item 1 of theSel as alias
end tell
tell application "System Events"
	set finfo to properties of theFile
	set ftype to type identifier of finfo
	display dialog ftype
end tell

  • And post the result
    Best Regards



Here is what shows up in the dialog box:




I have updated the code to reflect your findings, please do try again. :slight_smile:
And please post the results of the log.

Best Regards


Hello McUsr!!!

i am very happy to report …
IT WORKED!!!:lol:

here is what the log returned.

This is awesome!!!
I cannot thank you enough!!
Sorry it was such pesky one…but this is amazing!!!


Hello Barbara! :slight_smile:

Nice that it finally worked!

I have removed the code for logging.

What do you want it to do when the new job is finally created?

Best Regards


Hello McUsr,

I think the only thing I would want to do next, is just have that folder move to the frontmost finder window :wink:

What do you think?



All done, check if it still works, you don’t need to reply if it does!

But don’t forget that it might not work on the server, you should really try that last script on folders of different ages, that is if you have used different versions of Quark. And still if you havent, and experience any troubles, please run that script on the files which aren’t renamed properly and post the results, I’ll subscribe to this post!

Best Regards and Happy productive Summer.
