Error on Open Location statement

Duh - thank you for the link!

Despite the warning about getting the default browser (it works here on Mac OS X 10.3.2 US English), here is a slight reworking of the code that doesn’t rely on the name, display name, or internal process name as returned by System Events. Instead, it relies on the full path to the default browser:

if my default_browser_running() = false then
    set the_button to (display dialog "I can't determine if your default browser is launched. If it is, press 'Continue', if not, press 'Stop', launch your browser, then run this script again." buttons {"Stop", "Continue"} default button 2)
    if the_button = "Stop" then quit
    display dialog "Your default browser is running."
end if

on default_browser_running()
    set creatorType to word -1 of (do shell script "defaults read | grep -C5 E:html | grep -w LSBundleSignature")
    set creatorType to ?class ktxt? of (creatorType as record)
    tell application "Finder" to set default_browser to (application file id creatorType) as string
    tell application "System Events"
        repeat 60 times
            set the_processes to (file of processes)
            repeat with this_process in the_processes
                if (this_process as string) is in {default_browser, default_browser & ":"} then return true
            end repeat
            delay 1
        end repeat
    end tell
    return false
end default_browser_running
