Failure to turn a reference for a UI element into a variable
Here you are. I actually described this project in the fourth post in this thread. Whenever you start this up with the first tab view item selected, you’ll get an error.

OK, I looked that your project. I see what you mean. I didn’t expect you to be getting a variable for a tab view item that’s inside of a tab view item. I’m not sure it’s a bug or if that’s just the way it works. There’s many things in applescript studio that you can’t do that can be done in a regular cocoa application.

Anyway, there’s a simple work-around for that. If you need a reference to that tab view item then do it this way…

  1. disconnect that tab view item from the awake from nib handler.
  2. inside of that tab view item is a “view” object. Connect that to the awake from nib handler and give it a name. I gave mine the name “tabViewItemView”. You can easily get to the view by listing the MainMenu.nib in column mode, then going through the objects until you find the appropriate ‘view’.
  3. The following code will get a variable for the tab view item of the view…
on awake from nib theObject
	if name of theObject is "tabViewItemView" then
		set theTabView to super view of theObject
	end if
end awake from nib

I hope that helps.

That certainly does help. Thanks a lot.