Finder object / text name / related confusion...


Here is my take of mutability: A string variable can only be changed at its outermost level, either thru initalization, or changing the whole content of it. A string variable, a record, or a list is also just an address to where the contents of that variable. (But you can change the contents of a record or a list, those are mutable.

set ml to {"red", "blue", "green"}

set item 2 of ml to "black"
log ml
--> (*red, black, green*)

This is a nice read to understand why/how dereferencing works.

StefanK and McUsrII:

Thanks for the URL’s I will most certainly read up with the hope that it will improve my understanding.



No, I was just suggesting that the point might seem like quibbling over what modify actually means.

@Shane, appreciate the response and related clarification…if there is anything else – in addition to the references suggested by Stefan ad McUsrll which I will read – that you can thing of to assist me in understanding how the words “contents”. “text”, etc. break the reference please et me know as this too would be greatly appreciated.

WIth much thanks,


I think what’s been said covers it. The only other thing to add is that it’s only a problem when you test for equality; if you use some other test, such as is greater than or comes before, dereferencing happens automatically.

Shane, appreciate all the help and related patience…will read up and et everyone know where I land, hopefully in a god place!

Enjoy your weekend,it now being Saturday in Australia!


With today’s expected top temperature here 41 degrees C (yes, Celsius), that’s proving a bit problematic…

I hear you…although live in Canada we frequently have a number of weeks where the humidex is in the low to id 40 degrees Celsius so I know how nasty and ugly that can be…if it helps, it is now winter here and a cool -10 degrees Celsius where I am skiing…

Thanks for all of your help over the last few weeks!