Folder Tree in Finder Sidebar

Re-establishing the concept:
(1) My favorite “slave” view remains list view, but is easy to change to icon view
(2) The disadvantage of the repeat-loop might be nihilized using “repeat 1” (but it stresses me to set things straight)
(3) Implementing it as an applet adding a few “try” statements leaves both Finder and some related Apps free for other tasks, making things work relatively independant even when Finder is completely busy with other tasks. Changing the scope of windows was indeed flaky.
(4) One problem remains: as the script creates a new Finder window, that one carries my machines’ sharing name that I can’t in any way translate into a Finder object to be targeted by the slave window. Therefore, I am using the startup disk as a starting point for the time being.
(5) The applet will work for half an hour, enough for my daily Finder housekeeping. When bringing it to the front, it will quit immediately.
Note, as a bonus, when selecting nothing, all windows are now temporarily minimized offering a better view over the users’ desktop.

Make this script into an applet:

global madeSmall, sveBounds, tView, oldtheSel, currDate, sveBounds, screen_height, screen_width, slaveWindow, sharingname

set sb to bounds of (item 1 of (screen list)) -- Jon's xcmd
set screen_height to item 4 of sb -- 768
set screen_width to item 3 of sb --1024
set slaveWindow to {}
set sn to do shell script "hostname"
set sharingname to sn
if ".local" is in sn then
	set sharingname to ""
	repeat with g in characters of sn
		if "." is in (g as string) then exit repeat
		set sharingname to (sharingname & g) as string
	end repeat
end if

tell application "Finder"
	set tView to list view
	set oldtheSel to ""
	set currDate to current date
	set sveBounds to {{}}
	set madeSmall to false
	repeat until (current date) - currDate > 1000
		set kp to (keys pressed)
		if kp contains {"command"} and kp contains {"."} then exit repeat
		tell application "System Events" to set fApp to name of (some application process whose frontmost is true)
		set myName to name of (info for (path to me))
		if ".app" is in myName then set myName to text from character 1 to character -5 of myName
		if myName contains "script" then -- when run from editor
			my follow()
			if fApp is in myName then
				exit repeat
				my follow()
				end try
			end if
		end if
		tell me to do shell script "sleep 4"
		set kp to (keys pressed)
		if kp contains {"command"} and kp contains {"."} then exit repeat
	end repeat
end tell

on follow()
	tell application "Finder"
			set masterWindow to (first Finder window whose current view is column view and collapsed is false)
		on error
			set masterWindow to make new Finder window
			set masterWindow's toolbar visible to true
			set masterWindow's current view to column view
			set masterWindow's target to alias ((name of startup disk & ":") as string) --target of MasterWindow kan folder "sharing name" zijn
		end try
		if not masterWindow's toolbar visible then set masterWindow's toolbar visible to true
		if masterWindow = {} then
			set masterWindow to make new Finder window
			set masterWindow's toolbar visible to true
			set masterWindow's current view to column view
			set masterWindow's target to alias ((name of startup disk & ":") as string) --target of MasterWindow kan folder "sharing name" zijn
		end if
		--select MasterWindow
		set theSel to the selection --MasterWindow
		if (keys pressed) contains {"option"} then display dialog theSel as string
		if theSel = {} then
			if not madeSmall then
				my Expose(true)
				set madeSmall to true
			end if
			if madeSmall then
				my Expose(false)
				set madeSmall to false
			end if
			if theSel = {} then set theSel to alias ((name of startup disk & ":") as string)
			(*	if sharingname is in ((item 1 of theSel)) then -- als theSel = folder sharingname ---> geen Finder object
				set selName to sharingname
				set selName to name of (item 1 of theSel)
			end if*)
				set selName to name of (item 1 of theSel)
			on error
				set selName to name of startup disk
			end try
			set tg to target of masterWindow
			set wdid to id of masterWindow
			set bds to bounds of masterWindow
			set clps to collapsed of masterWindow
			set nwit3 to (item 3 of bds) + 460 -- 600
			if nwit3 > screen_width - 100 then set nwit3 to screen_width - 100
			set slaveBounds to {(item 3 of bds) + 6, (item 2 of bds) - 38, ¬
				nwit3 + 2, (item 4 of bds) + 3}
			set slaveWindow to {}
			set listIDs to {}
				set listIDs to (id of Finder windows whose current view = list view)
				set slaveWindow to first Finder window whose current view = list view
			on error
				repeat with fWd in listIDs
					set bds2 to bounds of Finder window id (fWd as string)
					if bds2 = slaveBounds then set slaveWindow to Finder window id fWd
				end repeat
				if slaveWindow = {} then set slaveWindow to make new Finder window
				my setView(slaveWindow, list view)
				set listIDs to (id of Finder windows whose current view = list view)
				set oldtheSel to "" -- trigger list wd update
				select masterWindow
			end try
			if not madeSmall then
				set bounds of slaveWindow to slaveBounds
			end if
			if window 1 = masterWindow and oldtheSel ≠ theSel and not madeSmall then
					set target of slaveWindow to tg
				on error
					set sel to startup disk
					set target of slaveWindow to tg
				end try
				select slaveWindow
					select item selName of slaveWindow --tg
				end try
				set current view of slaveWindow to tView
				set calculates folder sizes of the list view options of slaveWindow to true
				set width of column name column of list view options of slaveWindow to 130
				set width of column modification date column of list view options of slaveWindow to 90
				set width of column kind column of list view options of slaveWindow to 100 --120
				set width of column size column of list view options of slaveWindow to 80
				set oldtheSel to theSel
				select masterWindow
			end if
		end if
	end tell
end follow

on setView(slaveWindow, tView)
	tell application "Finder"
		tell slaveWindow
			set toolbar visible to false
			set current view to tView --list view--icon view
		end tell
		tell slaveWindow's icon view options
			set icon size to "128"
			-- set shows icon preview to true
			set arrangement to arranged by kind
		end tell
	end tell
end setView

on Expose(x)
	if x and not madeSmall then
		tell application "Finder"
			set wList to (the Finder windows) 
			set numwList to number of items of wList
			set sveBounds to {{}}
			repeat with ww from 1 to numwList
				if (item ww of wList) ≠ slaveWindow then
					set bds to bounds of item ww of wList
					set ll to position of item ww of wList
					set expBounds to {item 1 of ll, item 2 of ll, (item 1 of ll) + 200, (item 2 of ll) + 200}
					set bounds of (item ww of wList) to expBounds
					set sveBounds to sveBounds & {{item ww of wList, bds, expBounds}}
				end if
			end repeat
			if slaveWindow ≠ {} then ¬
				set bounds of slaveWindow to {-100, -100, -50, -50}
		end tell
		if sveBounds ≠ {{}} then
			repeat with ww from 2 to number of items of sveBounds
					set lastbounds to bounds of (item 1 of item ww of sveBounds)
					set WereminimizedBounds to (item 3 of item ww of sveBounds)
					if lastbounds = WereminimizedBounds then ¬
						set bounds of (item 1 of item ww of sveBounds) to (item 2 of item ww of sveBounds)
				end try
			end repeat
		end if
	end if
end Expose

Browser: Safari 312
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.3.9)

I wrote up some notes on what I think would make the perfect file manager
This is, of course, just my opinion based on how I work.
Comments? Thoughts?

Model: G4
Browser: Firefox 1.0
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.3.9)

Between the lines I read that a (multi-threaded, stable) combination of Sun Solaris, HP OpenView, NeXTstep and Windows Explorer ingredients would outpace the pair of shoes we were given to walk from iPhoto to iTunes…

I’m a little late to this topic, but may I suggest you use spring loaded folders from the Finder preferences. Not quite what you’re looking for but you can drag a file to your hard drive, or any folder, which will automatically open and then will continue opening folders you drag your file to until you get to your destination.
