I downloaded the latest version, but got a syntax error message when I tried to run this script:
“A forURL theURL can’t go after this host.”
I’m completely baffled by this!
I downloaded the latest version, but got a syntax error message when I tried to run this script:
“A forURL theURL can’t go after this host.”
I’m completely baffled by this!
Have you deleted the old version and relaunched AppleScript Editor to update the dictionary?
I deleted the old version but neglected to close down and restart the AppleScript Editor. Thank you for correcting a beginner’s mistake!
Thanks to StefanK, who did all the hard work, I have finally written a script that should return the IP address of a networked printer. Here is the code, which is surely sloppy and inefficient but seems to get the job done. Many thanks again to StefanK and to everyone else at MacScripter.net whose work I have used in this script.
-- Get the IP address of a networked IP printer
-- by Edward Mendelson, using code adapted from many posts at MacScripter.net
-- requires "Bonjour Events" by Stefan Klieme, downloadable here:
-- http://www.klieme.ch/pub/Bonjour%20Events.zip
set noPrinters to 0
set printerNames to (do shell script "lpstat -l -p | grep -i Description: |awk -F'Description: ' '{print $2}' ") -- as list
on error
set noPrinters to 1
end try
if printerNames = "" then
set noPrinters to 1
end if
if noPrinters is 0 then
set queueNames to (do shell script "lpstat -a | awk -F' accepting' '{print $1}'") -- as list
on error
set noPrinters to 1
end try
end if
if noPrinters = 0 then
set printerList to (every paragraph of printerNames) as list
set queueList to (every paragraph of queueNames) as list
end try
tell me to activate
set thePrinter to (choose from list printerList with title "Printers" with prompt "Choose a printer:")
if thePrinter is false then
tell me to activate
display dialog "Printer setup cancelled."
error number -128
set thePrinter to item 1 of thePrinter
set item_num to my list_position(thePrinter, printerList)
set theQueue to item item_num in queueList
end if
set dnsURL to do shell script "lpstat -v " & theQueue
set dnsString to (do shell script "perl -e 'use URI::Escape; print uri_unescape(\"" & dnsURL & "\")';")
tell application "Bonjour Events"
scan type "_ipp._tcp" in domain "local"
repeat until browser finished
delay 0.5
end repeat
if (count services) > 0 then
set nameList to name of services
set addressList to IPv4 address of services
set nameList to {}
set addressList to {}
end if
-- Bonjour Events quits automatically after 2 minutes of inactivity
end tell
on error errorMessage number errorNumber
display dialog "An error occurred: " & errorMessage & " (" & errorNumber & ")"
end try
set ipPrinterFound to false
repeat with currentItem in nameList
if currentItem is in dnsString then
set ipPrinterFound to true
set currentListItem to currentItem as item
set dnsNumber to my list_position(currentListItem, nameList)
set printerIP to item dnsNumber in addressList
display dialog currentItem & return & return & "has the IP address:" & space & printerIP
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if ipPrinterFound is false then
display dialog thePrinter & " does not seem to support IP printing."
error number -128
end if
tell me to activate
display dialog "No printers found!"
error number -128
end if
on list_position(this_item, this_list)
repeat with i from 1 to the count of this_list
if item i of this_list is this_item then return i
end repeat
return 0
end list_position
It is just a pity that Stefan’s utility doesn’t work with Snow Leopard
I set the deployment target to 10.5. Now it should work down to Leopard (Intel)
Thanks Stefan!