Getting values from FileMaker to Xcode Project

I think I’m stumped at this point…

Ha! Join the club. Thank you so much for your input though.

I’ll try to give Joseph’s suggestion a go, failing that I’m going to use an old machine to make my script updates to the old app in Xcode 3 using pure AppleScript. Yuk!!

Before you dive in it, may I suggest you try thoroughly parenthesis usage in your code?

a few tries with different position, like this for example

set theRecordID to (cell "RecordID" of theRecord) as integer

Xcode is very touchy about syntax while AppleScript editor passes trough

an example I discovered after a good headache
set text item delimiters to “:” runs in AS editor
and likely fails in Xcode because the original syntax is
set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to {“:”}

My two cents :wink:

Agreed Xcode can be very touchy. Thank you Joseph, I’ll let you know how I get on.

Try “cellValue of cell .”

Hi mouramartins, tried and failed already. :frowning: Thank you anyway. :slight_smile: