Sorry, i missed that bit, it can vary depending on what the user picks, and the number of files in a folder, but it could be as low as 21, to as high as several thousand.
Here’s the script that sets the amount.
Even when only a small number is used, the bar still doesn’t animate.
on SetUp_(sender)
set TempTallyName to DiskPath's stringValue() as text
set MainRecipients to MainMailRecipients's objectValues() as list
set CCRecipients to CCMailRecipients's objectValues() as list
Messages's setStringValue_("")
if TempTallyName = "" then
my Writemessages("Path is missing. ")
set workFlag to true
end if
if not workFlag then
set the DataYear to ""
set StartFlag to 0
set theProgressFlag to 0
set tempstring to TheBusinessName & return & return
set DataYear to (theYear's titleOfSelectedItem()) as text
set TallyName to (TempTallyName & ".Detailed Yearly Tally " & DataYear) as text
set DataStart to (startingMonth's titleOfSelectedItem()) as text
set StartFlag to (startingMonth's indexOfSelectedItem()) as integer
set DataEnd to (endingMonth's titleOfSelectedItem()) as text
set endFlag to (endingMonth's indexOfSelectedItem()) as integer
set WholeList to my ReadFile(TallyName)
set DataClientYear to theYear's titleOfSelectedItem() as integer
set TallyName2 to (TempTallyName & "Mail Data " & DataClientYear) as text
tell application "Finder"
set theFiles to files of folder TallyName2
end tell
set theadjustment to (count of WholeList) div 52
set theFineadjustment to endFlag - StartFlag + 1
set theClientadjustment to ((count of theFiles) * 10) + 240
set TheProgressCycle to 0
set thetotal to 0
set theEndFlag to ""
set TheProgressCycleCount to 0
if HourlyReport's (state) as integer = 1 then
set thetotal to thetotal + 1
set TheProgressCycleCount to TheProgressCycleCount + theFineadjustment * 24
if colorFlag then set TheProgressCycleCount to TheProgressCycleCount + 20
end if
if DailyReport's (state) as integer = 1 then
set thetotal to thetotal + 1
set TheProgressCycleCount to TheProgressCycleCount + theadjustment
if colorFlag then set TheProgressCycleCount to TheProgressCycleCount + 20
end if
if MonthlyReport's (state) as integer = 1 then
set thetotal to thetotal + 1
set TheProgressCycleCount to TheProgressCycleCount + theadjustment
if colorFlag then set TheProgressCycleCount to TheProgressCycleCount + 20
end if
if theClientReport's (state) as integer = 1 or theClientReportAlphabetically's (state) as integer = 1 then
set thetotal to thetotal + 1
set TheProgressCycleCount to TheProgressCycleCount + theClientadjustment
end if
if DayReport's (state) as integer = 1 then
set thetotal to thetotal + 1
set TheProgressCycleCount to TheProgressCycleCount + 24
if colorFlag then set TheProgressCycleCount to TheProgressCycleCount + 20
end if
if WeeklyReport's (state) as integer = 1 then
set thetotal to thetotal + 1
set TheProgressCycleCount to TheProgressCycleCount + (24 * 7)
if colorFlag then set TheProgressCycleCount to TheProgressCycleCount + 20
end if
if TheProgressCycleCount ≠0 then
Progress's setDoubleValue_(0)
Progress's setHidden_(false)
Progress's setMaxValue_(TheProgressCycleCount)
if HourlyReport's (state) as integer = 1 then
set workFlag to true
set colorFlag to (UseColor's (state) as integer = 1)
my writeOnlyMessage("Preparing Hourly report. ")
my GraphIt3()
end if
if DailyReport's (state) as integer = 1 then
set workFlag to true
set colorFlag to (UseColor's (state) as integer = 1)
my writeOnlyMessage("Preparing Daily report. ")
my GraphIt()
end if
if MonthlyReport's (state) as integer = 1 then
set workFlag to true
set colorFlag to (UseColor's (state) as integer = 1)
my writeOnlyMessage("Preparing Monthly report. ")
my GraphIt2()
end if
if theClientReport's (state) as integer = 1 or theClientReportAlphabetically's (state) as integer = 1 then
set workFlag to true
set colorFlag to false
my writeOnlyMessage("Preparing Client report. ")
my ClientReport()
end if
if DayReport's (state) as integer = 1 then
set workFlag to true
set colorFlag to (UseColor's (state) as integer = 1)
my writeOnlyMessage("Preparing Single Day report. ")
my GraphIt4()
end if
if WeeklyReport's (state) as integer = 1 then
set workFlag to true
set colorFlag to (UseColor's (state) as integer = 1)
my writeOnlyMessage("Preparing Weeks report. ")
my GraphIt5()
end if
Progress's setDoubleValue_(TheProgressCycleCount)
end if
set workFlag to false
delay 1
if WrittenFlag = 0 and SendTheMessageFlag then
set workFlag to false
set WrittenFlag to 1
set my isIdle to true -- this re-enables most of the UI elements via bindings
delay 2
my Clearmessages()
set AddOn to "Client summation eMail"
if theClientReport's (state) as integer = 1 and theClientReportAlphabetically's (state) as integer = 1 then set AddOn to "Clients summation eMails"
my Writemessages("Please enter a password into the password box, before the " & AddOn & " can be sent. ")
--my SecurePasswordEntry_()
set my isIdle to true -- this re-enables most of the UI elements via bindings
my Writemessages("Finished.")
Progress's setDoubleValue_(0)
Progress's setHidden_(true)
end if
say "busy working"
end if
end SetUp_
No, it’s called by your handler; the button does not stay blue any more.
on processInfoAfterDelay_(sender) -- parameter is unused but one is required, as is the underscore
set my isIdle to false -- this effectively disables most of the UI elements via bindings
performSelector_withObject_afterDelay_("SetUp:", sender, 0.0) -- this is our *one* Cocoa command; it calls our handler with a small delay so the UI doesn't block, otherwise the button would stay highlighted and nothing else would change in the dialog until the job is finished
end processInfoAfterDelay_
-- ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ Daily Report ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢
on SetUp_(sender)
on subgo_(sender)
set valtimes to (valwinnum's stringValue()) as integer
repeat with valrep from 1 to valtimes
set valbar to ((100 / valtimes) * valrep) as number
valwindbar's setDoubleValue_(valbar)
delay 1
end repeat
end subgo_
But it isn’t smooth, it is supposed to be sudden? I swear others on my Mac aren’t, or do they have a huge number of progressions?
In that case I’m lost, and I really can’t tell just form looking at so much code. What I do know is that setting properties that relate only to indeterminate bars will not help.
Try a simpler project. Does my sample do what you expect to happen, for example?
I think this is the problem: you’re expecting some kind of smoothness that just isn’t available short of setting a very high maximum value and incrementing all the time. When you set the value, that’s what it becomes – it doesn’t slowly crawl from the present value to your new value.
on subgo_(sender)
set valtimes to (valwinnum's stringValue()) as integer
repeat with valrep from 1 to valtimes
set valbar to ((100000 / valtimes) * valrep) as number
valwindbar's setDoubleValue_(valbar)
delay 0.001
log 1
end repeat
end subgo_
It’s the same without the log, if I input 1000 it takes alot more than a second. As well as 100000 this has been tried with maximums of 1, 100, 1000, always takes ages. Inputting 100 takes about 5 seconds on any max.
But I’m not setting a value, only the total length.
Your script is bound to a value that it jumps to, mines not. Mine uses the incrementBy_(number) method. Perhaps that’s the problem, but i’m not sure how to convert to your method.
You’d expect the increment method to still animate though, surely
The animation is the moving diamond pattern; the change of length should be more-or-less instant. If you want it to move in tiny increments so it looks smooth, you need to set its length in tiny increments (and probably keep using displayIfNeeded()). And if you’re doing anything lengthy in AppleScript, you probably won’t be able to update it often enough to look perfectly smooth anyway.
I’ve tried both ways too, and without displayIfNeeded() they ARE jerky.
But still no animation, even with the following code.
on UpDateProgress(incP)
repeat incP times
set TheProgress to TheProgress + 1
Progress's setDoubleValue_(TheProgress)
--Progress's incrementBy_(1)
Progress's displayIfNeeded()
--Progress's setUsesThreadedAnimation_(true)
end repeat
end UpDateProgress
on UpDateProgress(incP)
repeat incP times
set TheProgress to TheProgress + 1
Progress's animate_(true)
Progress's setDoubleValue_(TheProgress)
Progress's displayIfNeeded()
end repeat
end UpDateProgress
Darned if I know why Richard, but I’ve got it working, and that’s the main thing. Perhaps it’s because I’ve called the updating as a sub-routine, who knows.
BTW, I’ll still shout you a beer or two Shane, if your ever up this way, thanks for the help.
Doesn’t animate Shane, AND it only animates when the routine gets called. If there’s any delay, the animation stops, so it’s not foolproof. But, it’s better than no animation at all.
Richard, the same, all three commands have to be there.
I’ve tried a simple project with a scroll bar and button, and the behaviour is exactly the same. All three commands must be used if setting the scroll bar programatically.
The scroll bar is called ‘progress’, and the button is bound to ‘processInfoAfterDelay’ if anyone want to play with it.
It’s a pain in the proverbial that there doesn’t seem to be a command that set the animation going and keeps it going.
script Scroll_testAppDelegate
property parent : class "NSObject"
property Progress : missing value
property isIdle : true
on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
-- Insert code here to initialize your application before any files are opened
end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
on processInfoAfterDelay_(sender) -- parameter is unused but one is required, as is the underscore
set my isIdle to false -- this effectively disables most of the UI elements via bindings
performSelector_withObject_afterDelay_("SetUp", sender, 0.0) -- this is our *one* Cocoa command; it calls our handler with a small delay so the UI doesn't block, otherwise the button would stay highlighted and nothing else would change in the dialog until the job is finished
end processInfoAfterDelay_
on SetUp()
Progress's setDoubleValue_(0)
Progress's setHidden_(false)
Progress's setMaxValue_(2000)
repeat 200 times
my UpDateProgress(10)
end repeat
end SetUp
on UpDateProgress(incP)
repeat incP times
Progress's incrementBy_(1)
Progress's displayIfNeeded()
Progress's animate_(true)
end repeat
end UpDateProgress
on applicationShouldTerminate_(sender)
-- Insert code here to do any housekeeping before your application quits
return true
end applicationShouldTerminate_
end script
Interesting. The trouble there, I think, is that your script is artificial in that it’s doing nothing else, so it’s sending the commands so fast it’s overwhelming things. What your extra commands are actually doing is slowing things down.
Change your script like this and see what a slight delay does:
on SetUp()
Progress's setDoubleValue_(0)
Progress's setHidden_(false)
Progress's setMaxValue_(2000)
repeat 2000 times
my UpDateProgress(1)
delay 1.0E-3
end repeat
end SetUp
on UpDateProgress(incP)
repeat incP times
Progress's incrementBy_(1)
--Progress's displayIfNeeded()
-- Progress's animate_(true)
end repeat
end UpDateProgress
I suspect that a script doing real work might have the same effect.