Implementing AquaticPrime to an ASS app?

You can download it here

I removed my (obfuscated) public key in AppController.m. Put yours in.
I copied the AquaticPrime.framework into the project folder, so you don’t need to adjust paths.
Unlike the sample code on Cocoacast I use just an open dialog to choose the license file.
There is also some code included to consider an expire date.

In the AppleScript part the script calls a method to check the status of the licensing

Indeed works perfectly, thank you very much Stefan.

Had to adjust a couple of things and RE-add the framework though, because it wasn’t found at first and gave me an error. All fine now.

I have no idea what is wrong with my application then… it confuses me even more !!

Hey Stefan,

I found the solution to my problem and I thought it would be fair to share…

I was trying to compile my app as 32/64 bit Universal, which apparently isn’t supported by the AquaPrime framework. I just switched to 32 bit Universal (even though that’s not good enough for me!), and thought “oh well…” :confused:

Note that the contact email for the AP developer does NOT work.

Thanks for all your help, once again.

AFAIR the source code of the framework is included so you recompile the framework in 64bit

Hmm, what file do I need to recompile to get a 64bit version?
I only have the library file here…

In my package there is a folder AquaticPrime, which includes the framework and the lib,
the Developer application and a folder source with folders for Carbon, Cocoa, PHP and STL.
You can compile the Cocoa source with Xcode

Right I already have, but then what do I do with the build ? it only gives me the library .a file

In the top left pop up menu you can select the target

OOOH, how did I not see that?!

That worked fine, thanks a bunch once more Stefan :slight_smile: