Is there any way to make Spotlight index .applescript files?

Thanks R.
But the problem is with all scripts. Meaning that none of script is indexed, including the new generated ones. If I use “scptd” then it works.
If I make. anew text or PDF file (using the content the AS code), then it is indexes.

Delete also the folder Script Debugger 7 inside the Application Support folder.

Also gone since long time …
I guess I am the only one that does not get scpt files indexed … frustrating

I have both .applescript and .scpt files indexed. :frowning:
I have not any excluded disk in the Spotlight search preferences. Also, I have not folder /home/user/Library/Spotlight

I had another problem - when I first started SD 8. I needed to give it full control of the computer. There, in the security settings, there was already an entry from SD 7. To solve the problem, I uninstalled both SD 7 and SD 8, deleted the old entry from the security settings, installed SD 8 back. Only after that did I manage to give SD 8 full control of the computer. Before that, the SD 7 record apparently interfered.

I will try to uninstall/reinstall SD8. I do not have any traces go SD7. Maybe this will solve the problem.
Although, I still doubt it since scptd files are properly indexed, meaning the the importer in working as expected.
Indeed if I do in the terminal: mdimport -L
I do see in the list:

Even more strange is the fact that this append on both my MacBook Pro 2021, and iMac 2019.

Thanks again!


PS: can I ask you to provide me with the output of:
mdimport -t -d3 path/to_AS_generatedByScriptDebugger.scpt

Below is what I get:

mdimport -t -d3 /Users/ldicroce/Desktop/test.scpt
Imported ‘/Users/ldicroce/Desktop/test.scpt’ of type ‘’ with plugIn /Applications/Script
30 attributes returned
“:EA:_kMDItemUserTags” = (
“:EA:kMDItemLastUsedDate” = “2021-09-21 14:51:59 +0000”;
“:MD:DeviceId” = 16777223;
“:MD:kMDItemPath” = “/Users/ldicroce/Desktop/test.scpt”;
“:PR:kMDItemUserCreatedDate” = (
“2021-09-21 08:49:22 +0000”
“:PR:kMDItemUserCreatedUserHandle” = (
“_kMDItemContentChangeDate” = “2021-09-21 08:49:22 +0000”;
“_kMDItemCreationDate” = “2021-09-21 08:49:22 +0000”;
“_kMDItemCreatorCode” = 1634944066;
“_kMDItemDisplayNameWithExtensions” = {
“” = “test.scpt”;
“_kMDItemFileName” = “test.scpt”;
“_kMDItemFinderFlags” = 0;
“_kMDItemFinderLabel” = 0;
“_kMDItemFromImporter” = 1;
“_kMDItemIsExtensionHidden” = 0;
“_kMDItemIsFromImporter” = 1;
“_kMDItemOwnerGroupID” = 20;
“_kMDItemOwnerUserID” = 501;
“_kMDItemTypeCode” = 1869832563;
“com_apple_metadata_modtime” = “653906962.8787711”;
kMDItemContentCreationDate = “2021-09-21 08:49:22 +0000”;
kMDItemContentModificationDate = “2021-09-21 08:49:22 +0000”;
kMDItemContentType = “”;
kMDItemContentTypeTree = (
kMDItemDateAdded = “2021-09-21 08:49:22 +0000”;
kMDItemDisplayName = {
“” = “test.scpt”;
kMDItemDocumentIdentifier = 24242;
kMDItemKind = {
“” = script;
Base = script;
ar = “\U0628\U0631\U0646\U0627\U0645\U062c \U0646\U0635\U064a”;
ca = Script;
cs = Skript;
da = Instruks;
de = Skript;
el = “\U03a3\U03ba\U03c1\U03b9\U03c0\U03c4”;
en = Script;
“en_AU” = Script;
“en_GB” = Script;
es = Script;
“es_419” = Script;
fi = Skripti;
fr = Script;
“fr_CA” = Script;
he = “\U05ea\U05e1\U05e8\U05d9\U05d8”;
hi = “\U0938\U094d\U0915\U094d\U0930\U093f\U092a\U094d\U091f”;
hr = Skripta;
hu = Szkript;
id = Skrip;
it = Script;
ja = “\U30b9\U30af\U30ea\U30d7\U30c8”;
ko = “\Uc2a4\Ud06c\Ub9bd\Ud2b8”;
ms = Skrip;
nl = Script;
no = Prosedyre;
pl = skrypt;
pt = Script;
“pt_PT” = Script;
ro = Script;
ru = “\U0421\U043a\U0440\U0438\U043f\U0442”;
sk = Skript;
sv = Skript;
th = “\U0e2a\U0e04\U0e23\U0e34\U0e1b\U0e15\U0e4c”;
tr = Betik;
uk = “\U0421\U043a\U0440\U0438\U043f\U0442”;
vi = “T\U1eadp l\U1ec7nh”;
“zh_CN” = “\U811a\U672c”;
“zh_HK” = “\U7a0b\U5f0f\U78bc”;
“zh_TW” = “\U5de5\U5e8f\U6307\U4ee4”;
kMDItemLogicalSize = 5283;
kMDItemPhysicalSize = 12288;

Have you checked to see if there’s a copy of the importer in /Library/Spotlight/ ?

Any other third-party importers?

There was EndNote importer
So I tried adding SDImporter into the Library, then restarting, didn’t worked.
The I deleted the all contents (leaving the folder empty), then restarting, also didn’t worked.
The I add only SDImporter, then restarting, same result.

When I make this set of files on my desktop:

all containing the same simple code:

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later

on runThisScriptLux()
end runThisScriptLux

and I search for “runThisScriptLux” using Spotlight, I retrive all of then except the the scpt version (“Test.scpt”)

I wonder if:

  1. the indexing of scptd files uses a different tools than scpt? Since indexing scptd works without any problem without any delay …
  2. Should I try to copy the SDimporter into the:
    /System/Library/Spotlight rather than at user level?
    Thanks Shane for your help !

Yes it does – it uses the contents of the Script Debugger.plist file in the package, whereas .scpt files rely on the resource fork.

No, it shouldn’t make any difference.

I feel your pain, but the Spotlight system is really opaque from a developer’s point of view, so problem solving is very difficult. Email me a .zip file containing a .scpt file, so I can check the resource is being saved OK.

One other question, Luciano: if you choose Get Info on a .scpt file in the Finder, does it show file’s source?

I am sending the zip script right now
Image form Get Info attached of all three types (.scpt, .scptd, .applescript)
Thanks !


The fact that the source is visible in Get Info shows that the resource is being saved (Spotlight uses the same data). You can also see it using xattr -l. I’m not sure why the importer isn’t working for you, though.

(I have to say I’ve always found searching on content flakey, though.)

Thanks! Last question (I promise):
which would be the disadvantage(s) of saving the scripts as .AppleScript or as .scptd (since those format are properly indexed)?

The .scptd format is the most robust – .applescript files store the metadata in extended attributes, which means they can be lost more easily.

So there are no disadvantages in using .scptd routinely (a part from the larger size)? I searched this aspect in several forums, but I could find any side-by-side comparison …
Synch with DropBox or iCloud must be the same, I guess …

There shouldn’t be any disadvantages.