list of networked machines

leopard breaks this method. anyone know another way?


This won’t get you a list for your script but it will let you pick one. The command has some options in the standard additions dictionary too.

choose URL

I also have this in my library… in case it’s what you’re looking for.

property theArp : "#!/bin/sh

-- get your internal ip
	set myIP to item 1 of getInternalIPs()
on error
	display dialog "You do not seem to be connected" buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon stop
end try

-- find your subnet from your ip
set {tid, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, "."}
set subNet to text items 1 thru 3 of myIP as text
set MM to text item -1 of myIP as text
set text item delimiters to tid

-- ping your subnet
set p to (do shell script "ping -c3 " & subNet & ".255")

set text item delimiters to return & "64 bytes from " & subNet & "."
set Nup to text items 2 thru -1 of p

set IPisUp to {}
set text item delimiters to ":"
repeat with aLine in Nup
	tell (text item 1 of contents of aLine) to if it is not MM and it is not in IPisUp then set end of IPisUp to it
end repeat
set text item delimiters to tid
set tellMe to "The following IP's are now answering broadcast pings on your subnet. The IP of this machine " & myIP & " has been excluded" & return & return
repeat with anIP in IPisUp
	set preTellMe to {}
	set preTellMe to subNet & "." & contents of anIP
	do shell script "sh -c " & quoted form of (theArp & space & preTellMe)
	set res to the result as Unicode text
	set resArp to {}
	repeat with w from 1 to number of words in res
		set text item delimiters to space
			set this_item to text item w of res
			-- log this_item
		end try
		set end of resArp to this_item
		if this_item = "at" then
			set prev_word to (w - 2)
			set myHost to text item prev_word in res as text
			--log myHost
			set next_word to (w + 1)
			set interface_word to (w + 3)
			set theMac to text item next_word in res as text --if you wanted MAC addresses, say for Wake On Lan
			set theInterface to text item interface_word in res as text
			if myHost = "?" then
				set tellMe to tellMe & return & "Name: " & "\"?\"" & return & "IP Address: " & preTellMe & return & theInterface & ": " & theMac & return
				set tellMe to tellMe & return & "Name: " & myHost & return & "IP Address: " & preTellMe & return & theInterface & ": " & theMac & return
			end if
		end if
		set text item delimiters to tid
	end repeat
end repeat
display dialog tellMe --with icon 1

(*Note: SP2 for WinXP automatically disables answering broadcast pings unless the instruction "set multicastbroadcastresponse ENABLE" is entered in each by an administrator of the machine.*)

to getInternalIPs()
	set intIPs to {}
	repeat with i from 0 to 4
			set ip_internal to do shell script ("ipconfig getifaddr en" & i)
			set end of intIPs to ip_internal
		end try
	end repeat
	return intIPs
end getInternalIPs

hmm, i like the choose URL thing, i think i may use that. but is there anyway i can just get the IP of the chosen computer with out the afp:// and the port number at the end. i could use text item delimiters, but i’ terrible at them. thanks.

set theURL to choose URL
set text item delimiters to "afp://"
set stepOne to item 2 of (text items of theURL)
set text item delimiters to ":548"
set theIP to item 1 of (text items of stepOne)
set text item delimiters to ""

cool, thanks. is it always port 548, or is that just the default? can it be changed?

afp is always 548 unless you change it somehow… but just to be safe you can remove the “548” and just use the colon as the 2nd text item delimiter. It should work fine with just the colon. And just to be safe on the first part you can use “://”. So here’s an altered script…

set theURL to choose URL
set text item delimiters to "://"
set stepOne to item 2 of (text items of theURL)
set text item delimiters to ":"
set theIP to item 1 of (text items of stepOne)
set text item delimiters to ""

yup, it works. thanks for the help.

one more question. Was the choose URL thing added in leopard or is it available in tiger aswell? thanks.

I’m pretty sure it goes back many OSX versions, even 10.2 and maybe more.

hmm, i wonder why nobody mentioned it in this thread.

thanks again for the help.

You’re welcome. Just open the standard additions dictionary and search for “choose”. There’s a bunch of them…

yeah, i just did that, there’s a lot of cool stuff in there i’ve never seen.