@ DJ Bazzie Wazzie.
- I am a lazy bugger, I figure I outsource my problem to the Objective-C runtime!
When they designed the Unix Os, they went for case-sensitivity, as every command and everything would then perform faster. That was what I meant.
I never tried V8. IMHO There is no beauty in Javascript, but it is a good language. Ther are other things to AS, like Closures, that makes you able to “configure” script objects runtime.
I find Objective-C to save typing, it also uses the run time cache. Believe it or not, when working with data intensive stuff, or when the cache is loaded, even Java and C# performs better than C++.
And then there is the avoidance of writing all the boiler plate code. Include guards… And shooting of your foot occasionally. Well. What can I say. Objective-C is the closest I’ll ever get to finding a perfect languange.
But my point was that with AS you don’t know if which code is actually called and how it’s done. There is tons of overhead that we know there is but know exactly know how/what it looks like.
In high level lanaguages of today, besides in IMHO not so practical C/C++, you really have no clue, as it is what other stuff that happens in the OS, and in the run time cache that determines that. You don’t even really know for sure, as you don’t really know what processes are competing for instruction cycles.
That was my personal views I do understand yours. This is really more about feelings, but I like that the TIDs works like they should. It is at least much better to have them, and their benefits, than not. Given that AS performs like it does.
Good to see that you are good in the shitty weather.
That link, would be with relation to my handler for finding items in sublists, not the binary handler. And that is very correct. That handler is the one I am most proud of, and it would never have seen daylight without Nigel’s foundation.