did try to look at the events while running the script and did find some odd things. The events seems ole at the beginning, but when it reach the Rsync wrapper line it seems to act strangely. Instead of haven an event '‘tell application ‘‘Rsync Wrapper’’’. I’m having a ''tell application Applescript editor"" with the following lines
tell application “AppleScript Editor”
«event RsyWSYnc» given «class Krtn»:{«class RYsc»:“exitCode”, «class RYeR»:“errorMessage”, «class RYnf»:“filesCopied”, «class RYtt»:“stats”}, «class FRsc»:alias “iTunes01:Users:voduser:Desktop:J001:”, «class TOds»:alias “iTunes01:Users:voduser:Desktop:dg:”, «class SArg»:{“-au”, “–exclude=.DS_Store”}
→ {error message:“”, statistics:“”, exit code:5, items transferred:0}
end tell
tell application “AppleScript Editor”
display dialog “”