referencing custom views

can someone help me understand how to do this :frowning:

anyone at all? :frowning:

I guess not, this must be a legitimate problem

doesnt anyone know how?:frowning:

anyone figured this out yet?

wow, still no dice eh?

ok seriously, BUMP
i have been trying this for ages, please someone help me out, I can never finish my app if I can’t find this out and I have tried so hard

I don’t fully understand your question, but if you want to copy something from one window to another use this:

call method “setContentView:” of toWindow with parameter (call method “contentView” of fromWindow)

Hope that helps!

hm, i’l give that one a try, thanks regulus :smiley:

Good, let me know how it turns out. I see you’ve had this problem for awhile.

I lost the project…damn it