Return a list of Folders and Subfolders

Hi McUsr

First my apologies for the change, other than the addition of display dialog(s) I commented out the quoted path as you had already told me to put that in the first script and I figured that any reader would see that as it had not been deleted. Anyway as I said I apologise and will make sure in future if I post the script again there is a reference to any change(s) I made.

Made your first change and it seems to work, have not run an extensive test yet as I wanted to get my apology underway. however your second change is as I thought you had it in the originally handler and is in the last scrip I sent to you,am I missing something.

As I have already made a mistake I would like ask if you are OK with me changing "directorytosearchin to folderpath. If you do not agree I will change the start of the routine so the variables that are being passed are the same names. I understand directory to be more of a UNIX term as opposed to folder in Applescript.

thanks again

Peter :frowning:

Oh my! I am sorry that you took it that way, I was just informing you.

Now, changing a parameter name, now that is not a big deal. Changing behaviour, that is something totally different. :slight_smile:

Never mind this, and proceed with your endeavours! :slight_smile:

Thank you it is important to me that given the time and effort you have put into helping me that I do not plagiarize your work or fail to acknowledge what you have done.

thanks again I am sure I will be back as I work through my project.

take care

Peter :frowning:

It is not about plagiarizing, it is really about knowing which version is which.

I am far more concerned about something I have written still works how I intended it to do.

Plagiarizing, now that would be if you stripped out the copyright notice, and said you had made it, maybe after changing the variable names, that is something entirely different.

Can’t we just drop this, and go on with something more productive? :smiley:


Hopefully you will help me with a new issue. As I think you know I am trying ultimately to selected a path based on the result of the search.

One thing I had to change was to allow a display of all the search results if I had called for a resulttype of “All” or Every" I did that by inserting an if then logic test.

if resultType as text = "All" or resultType as text = "Every" then
		display dialog "This is the list Returned from the handler " & MyFolderList
		set myActiveFolder to choose from list MyFolderList
		tell application "System Events" to tell disk item objItem to set {ParentFolder, Foldername} to {POSIX path of container of it, name of it}
		display dialog "Path to Folder:" & objItem & return & "Parent Folder of Folder " & ParentFolder & return & "Name of Folder: " & Foldername
	end if

In my test case two folders met the criteria of an exact match and both were displayed from the “display dialog” command however the choose list only shows the first of the two. I think it may have something to do with delimiters but cannot figure out what.


peter :slight_smile:


When the handler are fed the “all” or “every” result type, then it returns a list.

You’d have to iterate over that list with something like this:

repeat with anObj in theResultList
	tell application "System Events" to tell disk item (contents of anObj) to set {ParentFolder, Foldername} to {POSIX path of container of it, name of it}
	display dialog "Path to Folder:" & objItem & return & "Parent Folder of Folder " & ParentFolder & return & "Name of Folder: " & Foldername
end repeat

# the contents of is included, as it doesn't harm, though I am not sure if it is totally needed either.

# as the "iterator-variable" just contains a reference into the list, and I am not sure how far
# Applescript will go into coercing this.

There are much faster approaches to this, than using this kind of construct, you could for instance use a handler like this to extract the information with.

set pxPath to POSIX path of (path to temporary items from user domain as text)
”> "/Users/mcusr/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/"
set thPath to parentFol for pxPath
” > /Users/mcusr/Library/Caches/"

set folname to pxBasename for pxPath
”> "TemporaryItems"

to parentFol for aPxPath
		local tids, parFol
		set {tids, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, "/"}
		if (character (length of aPxPath) of aPxPath) = "/" then
			set parFol to text items 1 thru -3 of aPxPath as text
			set parFol to text items 1 thru -2 of aPxPath as text
		end if
		set my text item delimiters to tids
		if parFol = "" then set parFol to "/"
		return parFol
	end parentFol

to pxBaseName for aPxPath
	local itm,tids
	if (text -1 of aPxPath = "/") then
		set itm to -2
		set itm to -1
	end if
	set {tids, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, "/"}
	set aPxPath to text item itm of aPxPath
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tids
	return aPxPath
end pxBaseName

Now, you could extract this info into a list, like I did with System Events, but it is no purpose of that now. (I did it with System Events to not generate to many Apple Events, as those are expensive, and choose to target the disk item, to give its properties in one go. :slight_smile:

Hi McUsr

I have tried the first suggestion and the problem is that the “repeat with anOBJ in MyFolderList” returns the entire list on the first iteration and then fails on (I assume the second) because it cannot get the disk item U/ and the list starts /Users/----. I need to break the list down to each entry which is why I asked about delimiters before. As each folderpath starts with/Users I was hoping to use that as a delimiter, but as I said have not figured how.



Can you please just show an excerpt of the code.

I’d rally like to see your loop, and how you do it, before I can make an educated guess as to why your code fails.

On a general basis, please consult the AppleScript Language guide, that is either on the net at, or as a part of the Developer installation from your CD, if you got them there, I also think you can get it all for free from the Appstore, Xcode, the documentation and everything.

The easiest is of course to just download it. :smiley:


Marc et al: I’ve very impressed with this whose clause. I’ve never seen anything like it, but would like to make use of this pattern.

However, it gets an error when I try this:

tell application "System Events"	
	set appNameList to every application process whose name is in my getList()
end tell

on getList()
	return {"Keyboard Maestro", "Finder", "Script Debugger"}
end getList

=== ERROR ===
System Events got an error: Can't make {"Keyboard Maestro", "Finder", "Script Debugger"} into type specifier.

Any ideas/suggestions?



My understanding is that you just need to insert a timeout.

This script behaved flawlessly :

with timeout of 36000 seconds
	tell application "Finder" to ((((path to desktop as text) & "pour ebay:") as alias)'s entire contents)'s folders whose name is in my getlist()
end timeout
on getlist()
	return {"_X28706Æ’YK", "_X28737Æ’YK", "_X28782Æ’YK", "_X28990Æ’YK", "_X29050Æ’YK", "_X29066Æ’YK", "_X29075Æ’YK", "_X29101Æ’YK", "_X29109Æ’"}
end getlist

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.5 in French (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 5 juin 2017 10:32:25

Those are called filters and they are object specifiers. However, due to poor implementation they’re hard to manage and a lot of applications don’t support them. There is an KVC compatible way of coding to save yourself from writing many object accessor methods, but again there is no guarantee that the application supports it.

From what I can see is that the accessor method doesn’t support the is in operator but it does supports other operators like is. That means that when you use the is in operator the object cannot be resolved and therefore you get the type specifier error.

mdfind can do case-insensitive search.

Syntax is: