Hi Nigel,
OK, playing around with permutations of how this works. I think I wasn’t testing things properly, so I wasn’t seeing the full consequences of how the scripts work.
The way the scripts need to work, is that they only effect the projects you’ve manually selected before firing the script off, what’s happening currently is that the script is going through the entire library, and grabbing every project to populate that popup window (or just processing every project in the un-naming version), which is a problem because project names are only unique within a folder. So your library might have multiple copies of the same project name, but in different folders for different cameras, with different contents. The current popup list method doesn’t show the folder hierarchy.
If you imagine the situation, I have 2000+ projects in my library, I want to rename just 5 of them from one camera (each camera has a folder in the library, where its projects live), and those five have the same names as projects from other cameras. Then after doing that, I want to undo just two of those project re-namings to go back to their older format.
So it all needs to function based on manual selections in Aperture’s Library panel.
The first script you created, which did only one project, but limited itself to just the selected project, had the sort of behaviour I need, but something about it makes it unable to process more than one project - as in if you select 3 projects, run the script, it only renames the first one.
So I guess that’s the question at this stage - is there a way to get a list of all currently selected projects, and then run that first script against them, or was getting that list the missing link?