Sort by date in Palm Desktop 4.2.1

Kind of eerie that it’s exactly a year ago that we were discussing the stuff below:

The script that you, Kai & Nigel assisted me with last year has served me very well in the past year. But I know have moved on to a CMS website package that requires a date format of: mm/dd/yyyy.

I’m wondering if there’s any way to take my existing script, utilizing the short date format of Palm Desktop and somehow add the required preceeding ‘0’ for day and month (when needed) and the preceeding ‘20’ for the year.

Any idea?

Many thanks,

Model: G5 dual 2 gig
Browser: Firefox
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)


That is way creepy, but good news that all worked well for you.

To change the format of the date string, you will need to send the string to handler for processing. This will work, but I am confident there is something more efficient out there:

set a to (current date)
FixDate(a's short date string)

to FixDate(b)
	set new_Date to {}
	repeat with c from 1 to 2
		if (b's word c) < 10 then
			set end of new_Date to ("0" & (b's word c) & "/")
			set end of new_Date to ((b's word c) & "/")
		end if
	end repeat
	set end of new_Date to "20" & (b's word 3)
	return (new_Date as string)
end FixDate

Of course, this will only be correct for the next 93 or so years, so it may bear re-visiting in a few decades…

Thanks…I’ll give it a try and let you know how it works out!

Kind regards,

Well, it seems I’m close, but no cigar yet. Below is my current script, below that, the result of the script. FixDate() has the correct info to begin to work with, but the script can’t continue for what I suspect is, a simple reason that is escaping me.

to FixDate(b)
	set new_Date to {}
	repeat with c from 1 to 2
		if (b's word c) < 10 then
			set end of new_Date to ("0" & (b's word c) & "/")
			set end of new_Date to ((b's word c) & "/")
		end if
	end repeat
	set end of new_Date to "20" & (b's word 3)
	return (new_Date as string)
end FixDate

on sortEvents(a, l, r)
	script o
		property p : a
	end script
	using terms from application "Palm Desktop"
		repeat with i from l + 1 to r
			set thisEvent to o's p's item i
			set thisTime to thisEvent's start time
			repeat with j from i to l by -1
				if (j > l) and (thisTime comes before o's p's item (j - 1)'s start time) then
					set o's p's item j to o's p's item (j - 1)
					set o's p's item j to thisEvent
					exit repeat
				end if
			end repeat
		end repeat
	end using terms from
end sortEvents

on monthRange(m, y)
	tell {(date (m & " 1 " & y)) - 1}
		set end to beginning + 32 * days + 1
		set end's day to 1
	end tell
end monthRange

set theYear to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter a year:" default answer (current date)'s year)

tell (choose from list {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", ¬
	"September", "October", "November", "December"} with prompt "Please choose a month:")
	if it is false then error number -128
	set theMonth to item 1
end tell
tell application "TextEdit"
	if not (exists document 1) then
		make new document at beginning with properties {name:"NewGigs"}
	end if
end tell
set {preDate, postDate} to monthRange(theMonth, theYear)
tell application "Palm Desktop"
	set myEvents to properties of events whose start time > preDate and start time < postDate and title contains "gig"
	my sortEvents(myEvents, 1, count myEvents)
	repeat with i in myEvents
		set gigName to title of i
		set beginTime to short date string of (start time of i)
		set endTime to short date string of (end time of i)
		set myHour to time string of start time of i
		set myEndHour to time string of end time of i
		set start_char to 1
		set end_char to length of myHour
		set all_chars to (characters of myHour)
		set end_char to -6
			set myTime to text start_char thru end_char of myHour
			set myEndtiime to text start_char thru end_char of myEndHour
		end try
		set a to (start time of i)
		FixDate(a's short date string)
		set myStuff to {new_Date & " " & " - " & " " & myTime & ", " & new_Date & " " & " - " & " " & myEndTime & " - " & gigName} as string
		tell application "TextEdit"
			set last paragraph of document 1 to myStuff & return & return
		end tell
	end repeat
	tell application "TextEdit"
	end tell
end tell

tell current application
	current date
		date "Friday, January 26, 2007 10:41:22 AM"
	display dialog "Please enter a year:" default answer 2007
		{text returned:"2007", button returned:"OK"}
	choose from list {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"} with prompt "Please choose a month:"
end tell
tell application "TextEdit"
	exists document 1
end tell
tell application "Palm Desktop"
	get properties of every event whose start time > date "Wednesday, January 31, 2007 11:59:59 PM" and start time < date "Thursday, March 1, 2007 12:00:0 AM" and title contains "gig"
		{{title:"What's Cookin gig @ Dazzle", start time:date "Monday, February 12, 2007 7:00:0 PM", end time:date "Monday, February 12, 2007 10:00:0 PM", duration:10800, all day event:false, alarm:missing value, primary category:category id 11, secondary category:missing value, private:false, name:"What's Cookin gig @ Dazzle (Feb 12)", class:event, id:41}, {title:"Keith Oxman gig in Vail", start time:date "Sunday, February 11, 2007 6:00:0 PM", end time:date "Sunday, February 11, 2007 10:00:0 PM", duration:14400, all day event:false, alarm:missing value, primary category:category id 11, secondary category:missing value, private:false, name:"Keith Oxman gig in Vail (Feb 11)", class:event, id:161}, {title:"Nelson Rangell gig at Brio (old Sambuca)", start time:date "Friday, February 23, 2007 8:00:0 PM", end time:date "Friday, February 23, 2007 11:59:0 PM", duration:14340, all day event:false, alarm:missing value, primary category:category id 11, secondary category:missing value, private:false, name:"Nelson Rangell gig at Brio (old Sambuca) (Feb 23)", class:event, id:167}, {title:"Margie Mauldin gig at her house", start time:date "Saturday, February 17, 2007 7:00:0 PM", end time:date "Saturday, February 17, 2007 10:00:0 PM", duration:10800, all day event:false, alarm:missing value, primary category:category id 11, secondary category:missing value, private:false, name:"Margie Mauldin gig at her house (Feb 17)", class:event, id:181}, {title:"Dave Hanson gig at Mad Russian Golf Club, Milliken, CO", start time:date "Friday, February 16, 2007 7:00:0 PM", end time:date "Friday, February 16, 2007 10:00:0 PM", duration:10800, all day event:false, alarm:missing value, primary category:category id 11, secondary category:missing value, private:false, name:"Dave Hanson gig at Mad Russian Golf Club, Milliken, CO (Feb 16)", class:event, id:326}, {title:"Pernell Steen gig at The Walnut Foundery", start time:date "Thursday, February 8, 2007 6:00:0 PM", end time:date "Thursday, February 8, 2007 8:00:0 PM", duration:7200, all day event:false, alarm:missing value, primary category:category id 11, secondary category:missing value, private:false, name:"Pernell Steen gig at The Walnut Foundery (Feb 8)", class:event, id:994}, {title:"Pernell Steen gig @ The Walnut Foundary", start time:date "Thursday, February 22, 2007 6:00:0 PM", end time:date "Thursday, February 22, 2007 9:00:0 PM", duration:10800, all day event:false, alarm:900, primary category:category id 11, secondary category:missing value, private:false, name:"Pernell Steen gig @ The Walnut Foundary (Feb 22)", class:event, id:1027}}
		"Palm Desktop got an error: Can't continue FixDate."

Is it the placement of your code in my script, or something else?


Two things to test out, in this order:

First, when you call a handler from inside of a tell block, you need to use my, in this fashion:

set a to (start time of i)
       set new_date to my FixDate(a's short date string)

In your script, when you call the handler, it just makes the date, and then you use that new date in your next line. Since the variable has not been declared globally (and it should not need to be), you need to set the variable to whatever the handler returns, in this case, the newly formatted date.

Second, I have had similar issues with date conversions in my Palm scripts, and have sometimes had to do things in two steps, like this:

set a to (start time of i)
set aa to a's short date string
      set new_date to my FixDate(aa)

Good luck,

Many thanks…I’ll give these a go in order and will let you know the result.
