CBG10 work with Chrome
This is how I did it here
On the other hand, I have a question when I launch a script, I have a toothed wheel displayed at the top of my screen. Is it possible with this wheel to count the number of times I have left?
I’d like to hop onto this thread by saying I also need an emergency stop.
Sometimes a script just hangs when carrying out a “do shell script” command. One script uses ‘do shell script “lsof…”’
The “stop” button doesn’t work in situations like this.
These are scripts that are run as .scpt files, and I do sometimes have issues with networked drives.
I don’t understand why the stop button doesn’t override anything the script is doing
Anyway, useful information in here. Thanks!
I have a problem with my stop file.
on run {input, parameters}
-- This list should contain the names of the other button apps.
-- The apps must exist even if they're not actually running.
set buttonAppNames to {"CBG10", "CBG30", "CBG50", "CBG100"}
repeat with appName in buttonAppNames
tell application appName
if (running) then
exit repeat
end if
end tell
end repeat
end run
When I run it, I get this window.
This is AppleScript asking you to select the application you’re asking it to quit.
I see CBG100 in your applications chooser list, but not “CBG10”, “CBG30”, or “CBG50”. If these applications are on your system they should show up in that listing along with CBG100.
Can you locate the applications “CBG10”, “CBG30”, “CBG50” on your system?
Indeed, due to a reinstallation of my operating system. I only put back the 100 and suddenly I had not removed the stop.