Table View


Screenshots of the bindings in Interface Builder:

If you’re using an NSArrayController don’t get the table’s clickedRow(), get the controller’s selectedObjects() instead.

Thank you!

–added the property for myArrayController and linked it to the ArrayController in IB

on DoubleClickedAction()
	set MyRow to (MyTable's clickedRow as integer)
	if MyRow ≠ -1 then
                    -- The Good Way 
		set mySelection to my myArrayController's selectedObjects
		set IDx to ChID of mySelection
		log IDx

                     --The Bad way:
		--set myItem to item (MyRow + 1) of my ChannelData
		--set IDx to ChID of myItem

	end if
end DoubleClickedAction

Works Great!

You could also have stuck with “set MyRow to (MyTable’s clickedRow as integer)” but then got “item (MyRow + 1) of” the ArrayController’s arrangedObjects(). But that’s the long way around…