Greetings Adam,
This script is excellent. I truly appreciate your continual work. A few items…
start dates are item 4, not 5, as the action field is one item, not two. Also, not all lines in tasks.txt have start dates (item 4), and the script returns an error (Can’t get item 4 of {“errands”, “pickup parcel”}). Can the script simply keep going even if it does not find the item?
start dates for tomorrow are appearing today in current.txt (i.e. 2/8 appears today).
I have several tasks that I would like to recur either weekly or monthly. Example: if the start date for a recurring action is today, could the script change the start date in item 4 (at the end of the day or tomorrow) to one week from today, so that it would would be excluded from current.txt until next Wednesday? Perhaps a symbol could indicate whether it was a weekly or monthly recurring task? Perhaps *2/7 for a weekly recurring task and ^2/7 for a monthly recurring task?
4.Is it possible just to search a few letters of a term, rather than the full word? I.e. ‘int’ rather than ‘internet’?
As for sorting, It would not be necessary for me to search for dates or actions, just contexts and projects, as current.txt acts as an overview for output to GeekTool. For searches on individual items, I would likely search the tasks.txt file itself. Could the script sort lines by the start date (item 4), then by due date (item 5), and then by action (item 2), alphabetically in current.txt? Or if that is too much, simply by dates?
I have a separate list (events.txt) that list events in the following format:
How could I have the script take only the lines containing today’s date (in field 3) and then dump them into today.txt and sort them by time (field 1)?
My apologies for all the questions… I am excited to see this script working. I thank-you profusely.
- David.