trouble creating .htaccess files

Hi Guys.

Just gonna throw this out there, but have you tried coercing the path to a string:

 set localPosixPath to POSIX path of localPath as string
do shell script "htpasswd -bc " & quoted form of localPosixPath & "passwd " & theUsername & " " & thePassword


Thanks guys - i finally realized that i need to use “quoted forms of” for most of the other curl calls as well - its working fine now - i think.

Should i post the final here or in the code exchange area?

Post it to the Code Exchange, Kyle. Thanks for sharing it. I plan (not soon, I’m afraid) to convert it from ftp communications to Apple File Protocol, although ftp will work for my purposes. I want to use it from my main machine to a G3/1100 (Tiger) machine (the one I’m using now until a dual-core G5/2.3 arrives and I get all the migration up and running). It’s on my LAN and I want to run Apache from there so I don’t tie up my daily use machine.