Ok, back to my Mac.
I repaired the permissions on my disk using Onyx.
I applied the permission for read/write to each element included into my System and Library folders.
No change.
Do you think I have to buy a new Mac?
Ok, back to my Mac.
I repaired the permissions on my disk using Onyx.
I applied the permission for read/write to each element included into my System and Library folders.
No change.
Do you think I have to buy a new Mac?
I was working on another mac (whose I’m not administrator) and I noticed these messages when I tried to use XCode (may be they have something to do with my situation on my Mac):
Enter the name and a password of a user of “Developer Tools” group to authorize Developer Tools Access to make changes.
application: taskgated
And this other:
Enter the name and a password of a user of “Developer Tools” group to authorize gdb-i386-apple-darwin to make changes.
What the hell is that? May I have skipped such messages when I installed XCode? IS THERE ANY POSSIBILITY TO GET TOTALLY RID OF XCODE ON MY >OWN< COMPUTER???
Don’t cap words in every post. If you want attention to a word or phrase set that piece of text to bold.
The uninstaller is installed on your computer with xcode.
The authorization if you’re not admin is normal. If you move files on you HDD and you’re not admin you will get the same message. It’s part of the privilege stuff I talked about and is build in Mac OS X.
If I were you I start looking in the log and see what xcode is doing wrong
The uninstaller is installed on your computer with xcode.
Sort of. You mean the “sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all” command line? It seems to work: it clears every application from the /Developer folder.
I also repaired permissions with the Disk Utility (there was a lot to repair, according to the utility)
I am going to re-install XCode and tell you what happens (without caps), but you have to admit it’s not going the simple way – and I’ve not even begun to code
Hello there,
This is what I have done:
I know there is an issue, the question is: what am I missing? I need more help… Thank you for trying!
Model: Mac Pro
Browser: Safari 533.19.4
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)
Are you using FileVault?
No, I’m not using FileVault (nor a firewall)…
But thanks for the idea, that’s exactly the sort of thing to which I should not have thought. For me it’s all about permissions. I’ve read that Apple had reinforced the security around XCode Tools because of the gap it was creating by accessing other running processes.
But in this case, why are my projects working under a less authorized user? And why are these projects ok when I take them back to my main user and open them?
I know it’s difficult for you to just imagine things on another computer that you can’t access. I continue to search on my side…
Well maybe it is difficult for us also because it’s hard to know what you did or doing wrong. Every machine by default who can run 10.6 (official) and can install xcode 3.2.x can run xcode normally but again by default. So there must be gone something wrong on your machine which is possible that has nothing to do with Xcode. Onyx for example could have harmed your machine long before you installed xcode. You bought some 99% compatible hardware, latest software update wasn’t completed, another maintenance tool did mess things up or an agent is blocking the communication between xocde and IB.
I thought you were saying that there are no preferences (plist) files? But reading your post and saying after re-install of xcode everything was the same. So my question to you is ‘the same as what’? Same as default or same as your settings? If it’s the same as your settings then there are preferences and com.apple.xcode.plist does exists, you’ve looked at the wrong place.
I’ll try to make myself clear: when I say “Everything was the same”, I mean: window positions are identical, settings are the same, and… the blue cube of my_application_delegate remains silent about my script’s handlers. If I change the window positions, quit IB and launch it again, the last position is restored as it should be.
That’s bizarre: everything seems to be controlled by an inexistant (or invisible to me) preference file…
About destructive utilities: I did not used Onyx or other utilities since I re-install the system 10.6.6 (update) and parsed my disks with Disk Utility, restoring the permissions the pure Apple way.
More than that, XCode and IB work perfectly with a project created under another user. Shane gave me this idea to change of user and so found a way (not really intellectually satisfying, but efficient) to work with XCode despite these troubles.
How is it possible that “com.apple.xcode.plist” does not appear when I search it with the Finder? Maybe I’m looking at the wrong place, but the Finder looks everywhere and… finds nothing!
Of course I cannot guarantee I never made anything wrong with my Mac, but the days of the System file and Resedit are gone… If I made something wrong, I can not tell what…
Thanks for your help!
Thanks for the clear report. Now I know what went wrong. If you search for com.apple.Finder.plist you won’t get any results either while every mac has a com.apple.Finder.plist file in his home folder. So you don’t go manually to the preferences folder and look for the preferences file? did you manually go to the other folders I suggested? If not we found our miscommunication.
THANK YOU DJ (excuse the caps, but it was worth it!)
You were right, I was not looking at the right place… I searched the files under:
Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/
instead of:
MyUserName/Library/Application Support/
I found the files, deleted them and everything is now working fine!
Years of single-user Mac have lead me to this error with a similar folder hierarchy…
Thank you to not have given up, you really deserve the title of Guru! And thanks to Shane too, you two made my day!
I’m glad everything is working now. We (me and Shane) don’t give up that easily ;). Well as a system administrator of mac for 10 years over more than 50 workstations I have seen worse problems. I’ve learned one thing through the years that when applications behaves odd that the first thing you need to do is a restart, second delete the preferences of the application who’s behaving weird and third check the permissions. In 99% percent of the cases it solves the problem. In this case it did as well.
enjoy your fixed xcode