Load external NIB into View?

On one of my programs, I have a “first run” type screen where it asks for user info, etc.

This takes up a few windows (think of Mac’s Package Installer or Windows’ Setup Wizard). I would like, however, to be able to have a single window with a view inside it that loads NIBs/XIBs into it, therefore changing the way it looks, without changing the actual window - does this make sense?

Is there any way to do this? Simply load a NIB/XIB from the App’s Resources into this view?

Thanks - you guys always help,


I have not done this in Applescript, but FWIW in Cocoa you can have an NSView/NSBox, and call setContentView: and give it a ViewController object (which owns a nib/xib with a view).
Not sure how that translatest to AS or ASOBJ-C