Follow up to an earlier post. I have written a script that opens an email message and then saves it as a PDF. It seems to be working but what I would like to do is chose the path and pass that to the dialog box but cannot work out how to do so. this is my script so far.
global FlName
tell application "Mail"
set theMsg to selection
open selection
set Dialogresult to the button returned of (display dialog "Process this email and Print as PDF" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button "Yes")
if Dialogresult is "Yes" then
repeat with selectMsg in theMsg
tell selectMsg
--set background color to red --Show message processed
set FlName to subject
set check to count every word of FlName
--display dialog check
set FlName to (my FixFileName(FlName)) --strip bad characters
end tell
end repeat
set process_name to "Mail"
activate application process_name
tell application "System Events"
tell process process_name
--display dialog "proposed File Name" & return & FlName
keystroke "p" using command down
delay 2
set PDFref to sheet 1 of window 1
click menu button "PDF" of PDFref
click menu item "Save as PDF." of menu 1 of menu button "PDF" of PDFref
tell application "Mail"
display dialog "Proposed Name " & my FlName default answer FlName & "change in the Box if Not OK"
set FlName to text returned of result
end tell
keystroke FlName
end tell
end tell
set Dialogresult to the button returned of (display dialog "Close this eMail" buttons {"Yes", "no"} default button "No")
if Dialogresult is "Yes" then
close window 1
end if
end if
end tell
on FixFileName(str) --Deletes characters that cannot be used in file names
set fixed_string to {}
set bad_char to {":", "/"}
repeat with c from 1 to (count every character in str)
if bad_char contains (character c of str) then
set end of fixed_string to "-"
set end of fixed_string to (character c of str)
end if
end repeat
fixed_string as string
end FixFileName
Any suggestions appreciated
It’s difficult to choose the path in a save dialog box. One idea is to save it to a known location, then move the file after. So when a dialog appears you can keystroke command-d which is a shortcut to make the dialog box go to the desktop. Then save the file and you know it’s on the desktop. Then move the desktop file.
in a save dialog box you can change the destination folder by pressing ⇧⌘G and entering the (POSIX) path into the text field of the appearing sheet
I didn’t know that could be done… very nice.
I f I have already selected the path then created the file name and concatenated the two is there a way I can invoke ⇑⌘G with applescript assigning the variable I have previously created.
Thanks for your help
Hi MitchBVI,
I am not aware of your apps but this should do the trick in Safari:
activate application "Safari"
tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Safari" to click menu item "Save as." of menu "File" of menu bar 1
tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Safari" to keystroke "G" using {command down, shift down}
set RemRecPath to (path to library folder) as string
set RemShowPath to my substitute(RemRecPath, ":", "/")
tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Safari" to keystroke "/"
repeat with h in RemShowPath
tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Safari" to keystroke h
end repeat
tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Safari" to keystroke return
on substitute(theText, toReplace, newText)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the toReplace
set the allTheText to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the newText
set theText to the allTheText as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return theText
end substitute
this is the whole GUI scripting part in Mail with controlled delays
set destinationFolder to (choose folder)
activate application "Mail"
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Mail"
keystroke "p" using command down
repeat until exists sheet 1 of window 1
delay 0.2
end repeat
tell sheet 1 of window 1
click menu button "PDF"
click menu item "Save as PDF." of menu 1 of menu button "PDF"
end tell
repeat until exists window "Save"
delay 0.2
end repeat
tell window "Save"
keystroke "g" using {command down, shift down}
repeat until exists sheet 1
delay 0.2
end repeat
tell sheet 1
set value of text field 1 to POSIX path of destinationFolder
click button "Go"
end tell
repeat while exists sheet 1
delay 0.2
end repeat
click button "Save"
end tell
end tell
end tell
That works thank you very much all I have to do now is figure out what to do with attachments.