Dual-pivot Quicksort

I recently came across Vladimir Yaroslavskiy’s dual-pivot Quicksort algorithm — which he claims is even faster than a Quicksort optimised in the ways suggested by Robert Sedgewick and others — and have spent the past month or so trying to get it to be faster in AppleScript instead of slower!

As the name suggests, a dual-pivot Quicksort uses two pivot values for partitioning instead of one. The Java code in Yaroslavskiy’s 2009 write-up of his idea includes analogues of three of the optimisations recommended for single-pivot sorts (which makes its claimed superiority over single-pivot sorts with similar optimisations somewhat less impressive. :wink: ) These optimisations — two-medians-of-five pivot selection, five-way partitioning, and insertion sorting of short partitions — are all inefficiently coded when translated directly into AppleScript (the insertion sort eyewateringly so), but it may be that the code was simplified to clarify the method. Once these inefficiencies are fixed, the result’s a very fast vanilla sort.

Yaroslavskiy’s pivot selection involves pre-sorting five evenly-spaced items in the current range, using a sequence of nine compare-and-swap actions. The second and fourth sorted items are then swapped with the items at the ends of the range and used as pivot values — with the minor optimisation that they’re not actually put back into the list at that stage. My version of the idea includes the two end items among the five pivot candidates, uses the insertion sort algorithm, sorts the values between variables instead of in the list, and returns the unsuccessful candidates directly to the appropriate slots afterwards. This takes just eight list accesses, four to ten comparisons, and zero to fourteen variable reassignments.

The partitioning scheme in Yaroslavskiy’s code initially divides each range into values less than the lesser pivot, an instance of the lesser pivot, values between or equal to the pivots, an instance of the greater pivot, and values greater than the greater pivot. The central partition’s then partitioned further to move any other pivot instances it contains to the appropriate ends of it. The idea is that once all instances of the two pivot values are in place, they needn’t be touched again for the rest of the sort. In AppleScript, it’s faster to do the whole thing in one pass instead of two, which involves more comparisons and moves, but actually takes less time. However, it’s still not fast enough to bring sort times down to those obtained with my implementation of the equivalent single-pivot sort. Full five-way partitioning only pays for itself in AppleScript where a pathologically huge proportion of the values is duplicates. It’s better to stick with Yaroslavskiy’s initial separation and leave any pivot instances in the central partition to be sorted out incidentally later. This does makes the dual-pivot sort faster than my single-pivot implementation in the vast majority of cases!

A less critical, but philosophically more challenging decision involves a related optimisation whereby the middle partition is ignored if the pivots are equal. If they are equal, the partition only contains more instances of that one value and is therefore fully sorted. The problem is that the pivots rarely are equal, so the time spent comparing them is usually wasted. But when the number of duplicates in the list is such that there are fewer than about fifteen different values per hundred items, the sort begins to suffer a speed penalty if it doesn’t have this optimisation. (Quicksorts are very inefficient at sorting values that are all the same.) Since the penalty with the optimisation is much less than the worst-case penalty without it, I’ve kept it in.

The “straight” version of the dual-pivot Quicksort here vies with a couple of my other sorts as my fastest vanilla sort implementation. The customisable version is easily my fastest customisable sort. While testing them, I also tried iterative versions, which are remarkably identical in speed. For some reason, the iterative version of the customisable sort is consistently a few milliseconds faster than its recursive sibling with lists containing more than around ten thousand items. For this reason, and to make the code more interesting (hopefully!), the iterative version of the customisable sort is the one given in the following post. Meanwhile, here’s the recursive “straight” version. The script includes a demo handler at the end:

(* Quicksort — dual-pivot version

Quicksort algorithm: S.A.R. (Tony) Hoare, 1960.
Insertion sort algorithm: unknown author.
AppleScript implementations: Arthur J. Knapp and Nigel Garvey, 2003. Minor modifications by Nigel Garvey 2007, 2010, and 2018.
Dual-pivot Quicksort algorithm: Vladimir Yaroslavskiy, 2008/2009.
AppleScript implementation: Nigel Garvey 2018.

Parameters: (list, range index 1, range index 2)
	The range index parameters are integers specifying the range to be sorted in the list. They can be positive or negative and don't need to be in a particular order. The values 1 and -1 can be used to indicate the entire list.
Result returned: None. The passed list is sorted in place.

on dualPivotQuicksort(theList, rangeIndex1, rangeIndex2)
	script o
		property cutoff : 16 -- Use an insertion sort or swap with ranges of this length or less.
		property lst : theList
		on qsrt(rangeLeft, rangeRight) -- The dual-pivot Quicksort handler.
			-- Select the second lowest and second highest of five values from the current range to use as pivot values.
			set slot3 to (rangeLeft + rangeRight) div 2 -- Roughly the middle of the range
			set slot2 to (rangeLeft + slot3) div 2 -- Roughly halfway between the middle and the beginning.
			set slot4 to (slot3 + rangeRight) div 2 -- Roughly halfway between the middle and the end.
			set v1 to my lst's item rangeLeft
			set pivot1 to my lst's item slot2 -- 'pivot1' rather than 'v2', in anticipation of the eventual contents.
			set v3 to my lst's item slot3
			set pivot2 to my lst's item slot4 -- 'pivot2' rather than 'v4', ditto.
			set v5 to my lst's item rangeRight
			-- Sort the five values between the variables using an insertion sort algorithm.
			if (v1 > pivot1) then
				tell pivot1
					set pivot1 to v1
					set v1 to it
				end tell
			end if
			if (pivot1 > v3) then
				tell v3
					set v3 to pivot1
					if (v1 > it) then
						set pivot1 to v1
						set v1 to it
						set pivot1 to it
					end if
				end tell
			end if
			if (v3 > pivot2) then
				tell pivot2
					set pivot2 to v3
					if (pivot1 > it) then
						set v3 to pivot1
						if (v1 > it) then
							set pivot1 to v1
							set v1 to it
							set pivot1 to it
						end if
						set v3 to it
					end if
				end tell
			end if
			if (pivot2 > v5) then
				tell v5
					set v5 to pivot2
					if (v3 > it) then
						set pivot2 to v3
						if (pivot1 > it) then
							set v3 to pivot1
							if (v1 > it) then
								set pivot1 to v1
								set v1 to it
								set pivot1 to it
							end if
							set v3 to it
						end if
						set pivot2 to it
					end if
				end tell
			end if
			-- Put the non-pivot values back into the list at the appropriate points. The pivot values nominally go to the ends of the range, but don't physically need to be there.
			set my lst's item slot2 to v1
			set my lst's item slot3 to v3
			set my lst's item slot4 to v5
			-- Group the items which aren't the two pivot instances into values less than pivot1, values between or equal to the pivots, and values greater than pivot2. Then "swap" the pivot instances into place between the middle and outer groups.
			set leftPointer to rangeLeft + 1
			set rightPointer to rangeRight - 1
			set k to leftPointer
			repeat until (k > rightPointer)
				set leftValue to my lst's item k
				if (pivot1 > leftValue) then
					-- The current value's less than pivot1. Swap it with the leftmost value in the middle partition and cede that slot to the less-than-pivot1 partition. The item may be swapped with itself the first few times, but it's best not to worry about it.
					set my lst's item k to my lst's item leftPointer
					set my lst's item leftPointer to leftValue
					set leftPointer to leftPointer + 1
				else if (leftValue > pivot2) then
					-- The value's greater than pivot2. Cede any values greater than pivot2 at the end of the middle partition to the greater-than-pivot2 partition until a value less than or equal to pivot2 shows up or the end pointer meets the current index.
					set rightValue to my lst's item rightPointer
					repeat while ((rightValue > pivot2) and (rightPointer > k))
						set rightPointer to rightPointer - 1
						set rightValue to my lst's item rightPointer
					end repeat
					-- Swap the current value with the one just found. If this is less than pivot1, make it a three-way swap with the item at the beginning of the partition. Extend the outer partition(s) accordingly.
					set my lst's item rightPointer to leftValue
					if (pivot1 > rightValue) then
						set my lst's item k to my lst's item leftPointer
						set my lst's item leftPointer to rightValue
						set leftPointer to leftPointer + 1
						set my lst's item k to rightValue
					end if
					set rightPointer to rightPointer - 1
				end if
				set k to k + 1
			end repeat
			-- "Swap" the pivot instances into place between the middle and outer partitions.
			set item rangeLeft of my lst to item (leftPointer - 1) of my lst
			set item (leftPointer - 1) of my lst to pivot1
			set item rangeRight of my lst to item (rightPointer + 1) of my lst
			set item (rightPointer + 1) of my lst to pivot2
			-- At this point:
			-- The left partition (rangeLeft thru (leftPointer - 2)) contains values less than pivot1 or is empty.
			-- Item (leftPointer - 1) is an instance of pivot1.
			-- The middle partition (leftPointer thru rightPointer) contains at least one value, which is greater than or equal to pivot1 and less than or equal to pivot2.
			-- Item (rightPointer + 1) is an instance of pivot2.
			-- The right partition ((rightPointer + 2) thru rangeRight) contains values greater than pivot2 or is empty.
			-- The two known pivot instances are in the right places in the list and can be left alone for the rest of the sort.
			-- Deal with partitions containing more than one item by recursion, insertion sorting, or simple swapping as appropriate.
			set leftPartitionLength to (leftPointer - 1) - rangeLeft
			if (leftPartitionLength > cutoff) then
				qsrt(rangeLeft, leftPointer - 2)
			else if (leftPartitionLength > 2) then
				isrt(rangeLeft, leftPointer - 2)
			else if (leftPartitionLength is 2) then
				set leftValue to my lst's item rangeLeft
				set rightValue to my lst's item (leftPointer - 2)
				if (leftValue > rightValue) then
					set my lst's item rangeLeft to rightValue
					set my lst's item (leftPointer - 2) to leftValue
				end if
			end if
			if (pivot2 > pivot1) then -- (If the pivots are equal, the middle partition only contains instances of that value and doesn't need any further action.)
				set middlePartitionLength to rightPointer - leftPointer + 1
				if (middlePartitionLength > cutoff) then
					qsrt(leftPointer, rightPointer)
				else if (middlePartitionLength > 2) then
					isrt(leftPointer, rightPointer)
				else if (middlePartitionLength is 2) then
					set leftValue to my lst's item leftPointer
					set rightValue to my lst's item rightPointer
					if (leftValue > rightValue) then
						set my lst's item leftPointer to rightValue
						set my lst's item rightPointer to leftValue
					end if
				end if
			end if
			set rightPartitionLength to rangeRight - (rightPointer + 1)
			if (rightPartitionLength > cutoff) then
				qsrt(rightPointer + 2, rangeRight)
			else if (rightPartitionLength > 2) then
				isrt(rightPointer + 2, rangeRight)
			else if (rightPartitionLength is 2) then
				set leftValue to my lst's item (rightPointer + 2)
				set rightValue to my lst's item rangeRight
				if (leftValue > rightValue) then
					set my lst's item (rightPointer + 2) to rightValue
					set my lst's item rangeRight to leftValue
				end if
			end if
		end qsrt
		on isrt(rangeLeft, rangeRight) -- The insertion sort handler.
			-- Presort the first two items to set up a minor optimisation whereby the most recent instance of the highest value so far doesn't go back into the list until it's superseded or the end of the sort is reached.
			set highestValueSoFar to my lst's item rangeLeft
			set currentValue to my lst's item (rangeLeft + 1)
			if (highestValueSoFar > currentValue) then
				set my lst's item rangeLeft to currentValue
				set highestValueSoFar to currentValue
			end if
			-- Work through the rest of the range, rotating values back into the sorted group as necessary.
			repeat with k from (rangeLeft + 2) to rangeRight
				set currentValue to my lst's item k
				if (highestValueSoFar > currentValue) then
					-- The current value's less than the highest so far and must be inserted into the sorted group. Shift previously sorted values greater than it up a slot (except for the highest so far, which is in a variable) until the appropriate insertion location's found.
					repeat with insertionIndex from (k - 2) to rangeLeft by -1
						tell my lst's item insertionIndex
							if (it > currentValue) then
								-- Greater value. Move it up.
								set my lst's item (insertionIndex + 1) to it
								-- Lesser or equal value. Set the just vacated slot above it as the insertion location and stop looking.
								set insertionIndex to insertionIndex + 1
								exit repeat
							end if
						end tell
					end repeat
					-- Insert the current value at the determined location.
					set my lst's item insertionIndex to currentValue
					-- The current value's greater than or equal to the highest so far and simply inherits that role. 
					set my lst's item (k - 1) to highestValueSoFar
					set highestValueSoFar to currentValue
				end if
			end repeat
			-- At the end, ensure that the highest value goes back into the list.
			set my lst's item rangeRight to highestValueSoFar
		end isrt
	end script
	-- Process the input parameters.
	set listLen to (count theList)
	if (listLen > 1) then
		-- Negative and/or transposed range indices.
		if (rangeIndex1 < 0) then set rangeIndex1 to listLen + rangeIndex1 + 1
		if (rangeIndex2 < 0) then set rangeIndex2 to listLen + rangeIndex2 + 1
		if (rangeIndex1 > rangeIndex2) then set {rangeIndex1, rangeIndex2} to {rangeIndex2, rangeIndex1}
		-- Do the sort.
		if (rangeIndex2 - rangeIndex1 + 1 > o's cutoff) then
			tell o to qsrt(rangeIndex1, rangeIndex2)
			tell o to isrt(rangeIndex1, rangeIndex2)
		end if
	end if
	return -- nothing.
end dualPivotQuicksort

property sort : dualPivotQuicksort

on demo()
	script o
		property lst : {}
	end script
	repeat 1000 times
		set end of o's lst to (random number 1000)
	end repeat
	-- Sort the entire list (items 1 thru -1).
	sort(o's lst, 1, -1)
	return o's lst
end demo


12th August 2018: Demo at end commented out for clarity.

Following on from the previous post, here’s the iterative customisable version. The script includes a couple of demo handlers at the end. Don’t worry about its length. It is quite fast. :wink:

(* Quicksort — customisable iterative dual-pivot version

Quicksort algorithm: S.A.R. (Tony) Hoare, 1960.
Insertion sort algorithm: unknown author.
AppleScript implementations: Arthur J. Knapp and Nigel Garvey, 2003. Minor modifications by Nigel Garvey 2007, 2010, and 2018.
Dual-pivot Quicksort algorithm: Vladimir Yaroslavskiy, 2008/2009.
AppleScript implementation: Nigel Garvey 2018.

Parameters: (the list, range index 1, range index 2, customisation object)
	The range index parameters are integers specifying the range to be sorted in the list. They can be positive or negative and don't need to be in a particular order. The values 1 and -1 can be used to indicate the entire list.
	The customisation object is a record with optional 'comparer' and/or 'slave' properties.
		If given, the 'comparer' value must be a script object containing an isGreater(item1, item2) handler which compares two items passed to it from the list and returns a boolean indicating whether or not the first is "greater than" the second according to its criteria.
		If given, the 'slave' value can be a list of lists in which the moves of the main sort are to be echoed. These lists must of course be long enough to allow the same absolute range indices as for the main list. Alternatively, the value can be a script object containing its own slave handlers and any necessary preset properties. This is for compatibility with scripts written to use earlier versions of my customisable sorts and might conceivably be used for other purposes, such as transposing the sort range in the slave list(s) or counting item movements. The same script object can be used for both the 'comparer' and 'slave' values if it contains both sets of handlers.
		Where the 'comparer' and/or 'slave' properties are omitted, or the customisation parameter isn't a record or a script object, the defaults are direct comparisons and no 'slave' actions. Because of the customisation hooks, a "straight" sort with this code isn't as fast as with the non-customisable version. But subjectively, this isn't noticeable.
Result returned: None. The passed lists are sorted in place.

on customIterativeDualPivotQuicksort(theList, rangeIndex1, rangeIndex2, customiser)
	script o
		property cutoff : 16 -- Use an insertion sort or swap with ranges of this length or less.
		property comparer : me
		property slave : me
		property slaveSorting : true
		property lst : theList
		property stack : {} -- For the range indices of partitions waiting to be processed.
		property slaveLists : {}
		property slaveListCount : missing value
		property singleSlaveList : missing value
		on qsrt(rangeLeft, rangeRight)
			set stackLength to 0
			set stackIndex to 1
			repeat -- Iteration repeat.
				-- Select the second lowest and second highest of five values from the current range to use as pivot values.
				set slot3 to (rangeLeft + rangeRight) div 2 -- Roughly the middle of the range
				set slot2 to (rangeLeft + slot3) div 2 -- Roughly halfway between the middle and the beginning.
				set slot4 to (slot3 + rangeRight) div 2 -- Roughly halfway between the middle and the end.
				set v1 to my lst's item rangeLeft
				set pivot1 to my lst's item slot2 -- 'pivot1' rather than 'v2', in anticipation of the eventual contents.
				set v3 to my lst's item slot3
				set pivot2 to my lst's item slot4 -- 'pivot2' rather than 'v4', ditto.
				set v5 to my lst's item rangeRight
				-- Sort the five values between the variables using an insertion sort algorithm. In any slave sort, the sorting takes place in the slave list(s).
				if (comparer's isGreater(v1, pivot1)) then
					tell pivot1
						set pivot1 to v1
						set v1 to it
					end tell
					if (slaveSorting) then tell slave to swap(slot2, rangeLeft)
				end if
				if (comparer's isGreater(pivot1, v3)) then
					tell v3
						set v3 to pivot1
						if (comparer's isGreater(v1, it)) then
							set pivot1 to v1
							set v1 to it
							if (slaveSorting) then tell slave to swap3(slot3, slot2, rangeLeft)
							set pivot1 to it
							if (slaveSorting) then tell slave to swap(slot3, slot2)
						end if
					end tell
				end if
				if (comparer's isGreater(v3, pivot2)) then
					tell pivot2
						set pivot2 to v3
						if (comparer's isGreater(pivot1, it)) then
							set v3 to pivot1
							if (comparer's isGreater(v1, it)) then
								set pivot1 to v1
								set v1 to it
								if (slaveSorting) then
									tell slave
										swap3(slot4, slot3, slot2)
										swap(slot2, rangeLeft)
									end tell
								end if
								set pivot1 to it
								if (slaveSorting) then tell slave to swap3(slot4, slot3, slot2)
							end if
							set v3 to it
							if (slaveSorting) then tell slave to swap(slot4, slot3)
						end if
					end tell
				end if
				if (comparer's isGreater(pivot2, v5)) then
					tell v5
						set v5 to pivot2
						if (comparer's isGreater(v3, it)) then
							set pivot2 to v3
							if (comparer's isGreater(pivot1, it)) then
								set v3 to pivot1
								if (comparer's isGreater(v1, it)) then
									set pivot1 to v1
									set v1 to it
									if (slaveSorting) then
										tell slave
											swap3(rangeRight, slot4, slot3)
											swap3(slot3, slot2, rangeLeft)
										end tell
									end if
									set pivot1 to it
									if (slaveSorting) then
										tell slave
											swap3(rangeRight, slot4, slot3)
											swap(slot3, slot2)
										end tell
									end if
								end if
								set v3 to it
								if (slaveSorting) then tell slave to swap3(rangeRight, slot4, slot3)
							end if
							set pivot2 to it
							if (slaveSorting) then tell slave to swap(rangeRight, slot4)
						end if
					end tell
				end if
				-- Put the non-pivot values back into the list at the appropriate points. The pivot values nominally go to the ends of the range, but don't physically need to be there (except in any slave lists).
				set my lst's item slot2 to v1
				set my lst's item slot3 to v3
				set my lst's item slot4 to v5
				if (slaveSorting) then
					tell slave
						swap(rangeLeft, slot2)
						swap(slot4, rangeRight)
					end tell
				end if
				-- Group the items which aren't the two pivot instances into values less than pivot1, values between or equal to the pivots, and values greater than pivot2. Then "swap" the pivot instances into place between the middle and outer groups.
				set leftPointer to rangeLeft + 1
				set rightPointer to rangeRight - 1
				set k to leftPointer
				repeat until (k > rightPointer)
					set leftValue to my lst's item k
					if (comparer's isGreater(pivot1, leftValue)) then
						-- The current value's less than pivot1. Swap it with the leftmost value in the middle partition and cede that slot to the less-than-pivot1 partition. The item may be swapped with itself the first few times, but it's best not to worry about it.
						set my lst's item k to my lst's item leftPointer
						set my lst's item leftPointer to leftValue
						if (slaveSorting) then tell slave to swap(leftPointer, k)
						set leftPointer to leftPointer + 1
					else if (comparer's isGreater(leftValue, pivot2)) then
						-- The value's greater than pivot2. Cede any values greater than pivot2 at the end of the middle partition to the greater-than-pivot2 partition until a value less than or equal to pivot2 shows up or the end pointer meets the current index.
						set rightValue to my lst's item rightPointer
						repeat while ((comparer's isGreater(rightValue, pivot2)) and (rightPointer > k))
							set rightPointer to rightPointer - 1
							set rightValue to my lst's item rightPointer
						end repeat
						-- Swap the current value with the one just found. If this is less than pivot1, make it a three-way swap with the item at the beginning of the partition. Extend the outer partition(s) accordingly.
						set my lst's item rightPointer to leftValue
						if (comparer's isGreater(pivot1, rightValue)) then
							set my lst's item k to my lst's item leftPointer
							set my lst's item leftPointer to rightValue
							if (slaveSorting) then tell slave to swap3(k, leftPointer, rightPointer)
							set leftPointer to leftPointer + 1
							set my lst's item k to rightValue
							if (slaveSorting) then tell slave to swap(k, rightPointer)
						end if
						set rightPointer to rightPointer - 1
					end if
					set k to k + 1
				end repeat
				-- "Swap" the pivot instances into place between the middle and outer partitions. (Real swaps in any slave list.)
				set item rangeLeft of my lst to item (leftPointer - 1) of my lst
				set item (leftPointer - 1) of my lst to pivot1
				if (slaveSorting) then tell slave to swap(rangeLeft, leftPointer - 1)
				set item rangeRight of my lst to item (rightPointer + 1) of my lst
				set item (rightPointer + 1) of my lst to pivot2
				if (slaveSorting) then tell slave to swap(rightPointer + 1, rangeRight)
				-- At this point:
				-- The left partition (rangeLeft thru (leftPointer - 2)) contains values less than pivot1 or is empty.
				-- Item (leftPointer - 1) is an instance of pivot1.
				-- The middle partition (leftPointer thru rightPointer) contains at least one value, which is greater than or equal to pivot1 and less than or equal to pivot2.
				-- Item (rightPointer + 1) is an instance of pivot2.
				-- The right partition ((rightPointer + 2) thru rangeRight) contains values greater than pivot2 or is empty.
				-- The two known pivot instances are in the right places in the list and can be left alone for the rest of the sort.
				-- Deal with non-empty partitions in subsequent repeats or by insertion sorting or simple swapping as appropriate.
				set leftPartitionLength to (leftPointer - 1) - rangeLeft
				if (comparer's isGreater(pivot2, pivot1)) then
					set middlePartitionLength to rightPointer - leftPointer + 1
				else -- The pivots are equal, so the middle partition only contains instances of that value and doesn't need any further action.
					set middlePartitionLength to 0
				end if
				set rightPartitionLength to rangeRight - (rightPointer + 1)
				-- If the right partition's to be handled in a repeat after either or both of the other partitions, store its range indices for then. Otherwise, if it's to be insertion sorted or its items swapped, do that now.
				if (rightPartitionLength > cutoff) then
					if ((leftPartitionLength > cutoff) or (middlePartitionLength > cutoff)) then
						if (stackIndex > stackLength) then
							set end of my stack to rightPointer + 2
							set end of my stack to rangeRight
							set stackLength to stackLength + 2
							set my stack's item stackIndex to rightPointer + 2
							set my stack's item (stackIndex + 1) to rangeRight
						end if
						set stackIndex to stackIndex + 2
					end if
				else if (rightPartitionLength > 2) then
					isrt(rightPointer + 2, rangeRight)
				else if (rightPartitionLength is 2) then
					set leftValue to my lst's item (rightPointer + 2)
					set rightValue to my lst's item rangeRight
					if (comparer's isGreater(leftValue, rightValue)) then
						set my lst's item (rightPointer + 2) to rightValue
						set my lst's item rangeRight to leftValue
						if (slaveSorting) then tell slave to swap(rightPointer + 2, rangeRight)
					end if
				end if
				-- Similarly with the middle partition, except that it won't be handled after the right.
				if (middlePartitionLength > cutoff) then
					if (leftPartitionLength > cutoff) then
						if (stackIndex > stackLength) then
							set end of my stack to leftPointer
							set end of my stack to rightPointer
							set stackLength to stackLength + 2
							set my stack's item stackIndex to leftPointer
							set my stack's item (stackIndex + 1) to rightPointer
						end if
						set stackIndex to stackIndex + 2
					end if
				else if (middlePartitionLength > 2) then
					isrt(leftPointer, rightPointer)
				else if (middlePartitionLength is 2) then
					set leftValue to my lst's item leftPointer
					set rightValue to my lst's item rightPointer
					if (comparer's isGreater(leftValue, rightValue)) then
						set my lst's item leftPointer to rightValue
						set my lst's item rightPointer to leftValue
						if (slaveSorting) then tell slave to swap(rightPointer + 2, rangeRight)
					end if
				end if
				-- If the left partition's to be handled in a repeat, set the repeat's right range index to the partition's. Otherwise, use an insertion sort or swap (or do nothing) and set the repeat's range indices to those of one of the other partitions. If neither qualifies, retrieve a pair of indices from the stack and use those. If there are none left, finish.
				if (leftPartitionLength > cutoff) then
					set rangeRight to leftPointer - 2
					if (leftPartitionLength > 2) then
						isrt(rangeLeft, leftPointer - 2)
					else if (leftPartitionLength is 2) then
						set leftValue to my lst's item rangeLeft
						set rightValue to my lst's item (leftPointer - 2)
						if (comparer's isGreater(leftValue, rightValue)) then
							set my lst's item rangeLeft to rightValue
							set my lst's item (leftPointer - 2) to leftValue
							if (slaveSorting) then tell slave to swap(rightPointer + 2, rangeRight)
						end if
					end if
					if (middlePartitionLength > cutoff) then
						set rangeLeft to leftPointer
						set rangeRight to rightPointer
					else if (rightPartitionLength > cutoff) then
						set rangeLeft to rightPointer + 2
						set stackIndex to stackIndex - 2
						if (stackIndex < 1) then exit repeat -- The stacked partition indices have been used up. There's nothing more to do.
						set rangeLeft to my stack's item stackIndex
						set rangeRight to my stack's item (stackIndex + 1)
					end if
				end if
			end repeat -- End of iteration repeat.
		end qsrt
		on isrt(rangeLeft, rangeRight) -- The insertion sort handler.
			-- Presort the first two items to set up a minor optimisation whereby the most recent instance of the highest value so far doesn't go back into the list until it's superseded or the end of the sort is reached.
			set highestValueSoFar to my lst's item rangeLeft
			set currentValue to my lst's item (rangeLeft + 1)
			if (comparer's isGreater(highestValueSoFar, currentValue)) then
				set my lst's item rangeLeft to currentValue
				if (slaveSorting) then tell slave to swap(rangeLeft, rangeLeft + 1)
				set highestValueSoFar to currentValue
			end if
			-- Work through the rest of the range, rotating values back into the sorted group as necessary.
			repeat with k from (rangeLeft + 2) to rangeRight
				set currentValue to my lst's item k
				if (comparer's isGreater(highestValueSoFar, currentValue)) then
					-- The current value's less than the highest so far and must be inserted into the sorted group. Shift previously sorted values greater than it up a slot (except for the highest so far, which is in a variable) until the appropriate insertion location's found.
					repeat with insertionIndex from (k - 2) to rangeLeft by -1
						tell my lst's item insertionIndex
							if (comparer's isGreater(it, currentValue)) then
								-- Greater value. Move it up.
								set my lst's item (insertionIndex + 1) to it
								-- Lesser or equal value. Set the just vacated slot above it as the insertion location and stop looking.
								set insertionIndex to insertionIndex + 1
								exit repeat
							end if
						end tell
					end repeat
					-- Insert the current value at the determined location and reproduce the entire rotation in any slave sort.
					set my lst's item insertionIndex to currentValue
					if (slaveSorting) then tell slave to rotate(insertionIndex, k)
					-- The current value's greater than or equal to the highest so far and simply inherits that role. 
					set my lst's item (k - 1) to highestValueSoFar
					set highestValueSoFar to currentValue
				end if
			end repeat
			-- At the end, ensure that the main list's highest value goes back into it.
			set my lst's item rangeRight to highestValueSoFar
		end isrt
		-- Default comparison and slave handlers.
		on isGreater(a, b)
			(a > b)
		end isGreater
		on swap(a, b)
			tell my singleSlaveList's item a
				set my singleSlaveList's item a to my singleSlaveList's item b
				set my singleSlaveList's item b to it
			end tell
		end swap
		on swap3(a, b, c)
			tell my singleSlaveList's item a
				set my singleSlaveList's item a to my singleSlaveList's item b
				set my singleSlaveList's item b to my singleSlaveList's item c
				set my singleSlaveList's item c to it
			end tell
		end swap3
		on rotate(a, b)
			tell my singleSlaveList's item b
				repeat with rotationIndex from (b - 1) to a by -1
					set my singleSlaveList's item (rotationIndex + 1) to my singleSlaveList's item rotationIndex
				end repeat
				set my singleSlaveList's item a to it
			end tell
		end rotate
		-- Alternative slave handlers for when there are multiple slave lists.
		on swapMultiple(a, b)
			repeat with i from 1 to slaveListCount
				tell my slaveLists's item i's item a
					set my slaveLists's item i's item a to my slaveLists's item i's item b
					set my slaveLists's item i's item b to it
				end tell
			end repeat
		end swapMultiple
		on swap3Multiple(a, b, c)
			repeat with i from 1 to slaveListCount
				tell my slaveLists's item i's item a
					set my slaveLists's item i's item a to my slaveLists's item i's item b
					set my slaveLists's item i's item b to my slaveLists's item i's item c
					set my slaveLists's item i's item c to it
				end tell
			end repeat
		end swap3Multiple
		on rotateMultiple(a, b)
			repeat with i from 1 to slaveListCount
				tell my slaveLists's item i's item b
					repeat with rotationIndex from (b - 1) to a by -1
						set my slaveLists's item i's item (rotationIndex + 1) to my slaveLists's item i's item rotationIndex
					end repeat
					set my slaveLists's item i's item a to it
				end tell
			end repeat
		end rotateMultiple
	end script
	-- Process the input parameters.
	set listLen to (count theList)
	if (listLen > 1) then
		-- Negative and/or transposed range indices.
		if (rangeIndex1 < 0) then set rangeIndex1 to listLen + rangeIndex1 + 1
		if (rangeIndex2 < 0) then set rangeIndex2 to listLen + rangeIndex2 + 1
		if (rangeIndex1 > rangeIndex2) then set {rangeIndex1, rangeIndex2} to {rangeIndex2, rangeIndex1}
		if (rangeIndex2 > rangeIndex1) then
			-- The customisation parameter for the earliest version of Custom Quicksort was a script object containing both comparison and slave handlers. Accept that, if presented; otherwise expect a record containing comparer and/or slave properties, whose values are script objects containing the comparison and slave handlers respectively. If either property is omitted from the record, or if the parameter isn't a script object or a record, use the appropriate default handers in the script object above. NEW: THE SLAVE PARAMETER CAN NOW BE JUST A LIST OF SLAVE LISTS, IN WHICH CASE THE SCRIPT ITSELF WILL APPLY THE APPROPRIATE SLAVE ACTIONS TO EACH ONE.
			if (customiser's class is script) then
				try -- Use the customising script's isGreater handler, if it has one.
					customiser's isGreater
					set o's comparer to customiser
				end try
				try -- Use the customising script's slave handler and properties, if it has them.
					customiser's swap
					set o's slave to customiser
				on error
					set o's slaveSorting to false
				end try
			else if ((customiser is {}) or (customiser's class is record)) then
				-- Use the passed or default comparer script. Get the passed or default slave parameter.
				set {comparer:o's comparer, slave:slaveParam} to customiser & {comparer:o, slave:o}
				if (slaveParam's class is script) then
					-- Passed or default slave script. Use it.
					set o's slave to slaveParam
					set o's slaveSorting to (slaveParam is not o)
				else if (slaveParam's class is list) then
					-- Passed list of slave lists. Set the default 'slave' script object's slaveLists property to it.
					set o's slaveLists to slaveParam
					set o's slaveSorting to false
				end if
				-- Configure the default 'slave' script object to use the best handlers for the number of slave lists. This makes no difference with a non-default slave.
				set o's slaveListCount to (count o's slaveLists)
				if (o's slaveListCount > 0) then
					set o's slaveSorting to true
					if (o's slaveListCount is 1) then
						set o's singleSlaveList to beginning of o's slaveLists
						set o's swap to o's swapMultiple
						set o's swap3 to o's swap3Multiple
						set o's rotate to o's rotateMultiple
					end if
				end if
			end if
			-- Do the sort.
			if (rangeIndex2 - rangeIndex1 + 1 > o's cutoff) then
				tell o to qsrt(rangeIndex1, rangeIndex2)
				tell o to isrt(rangeIndex1, rangeIndex2)
			end if
		end if
	end if
	return -- nothing.
end customIterativeDualPivotQuicksort

property sort : customIterativeDualPivotQuicksort

on demo1() -- Sort copies of a list in various ways.
	-- Custom comparer. Returns the opposite of the truth for a reverse sort.
	script descending
		on isGreater(a, b)
			return (a < b)
		end isGreater
	end script
	-- Set up five recognisably similar lists for demo purposes.
	set {list1, list2, list3, list4, list5} to {{}, {}, {}, {}, {}}
	repeat 25 times
		set n to (random number 1000)
		set end of list1 to n
		set end of list2 to n
		set end of list3 to n
		set end of list4 to n as text
		set end of list5 to n as real
	end repeat
	-- Sort list1 normally.
	sort(list1, 1, -1, {})
	-- Reverse sort items 1 thru 20 of list2, leaving items 21 thru 25 unsorted.
	sort(list2, 1, 20, {comparer:descending})
	-- Reverse sort list3, copying the moves in list4 and list5.
	sort(list3, 1, -1, {comparer:descending, slave:{list4, list5}})
	return {ascending:list1, |1thru20descending21thru25unsorted|:list2, descendingWithSlaveSorts:{list3, list4, list5}}
end demo1

on demo2() -- Sort a list of records in descending order by 'age' with ascending subsorts by 'surname' and 'christianName'.
	-- Custom comparer. 
	script descendingByAgeAscendingByName
		on isGreater(a, b)
			if (a's age = b's age) then
				if (a's surname = b's surname) then
					return (a's christianName > b's christianName)
					return (a's surname > b's surname)
				end if
				return (a's age < b's age)
			end if
		end isGreater
	end script
	-- Set up a sample list of records.
	set surnames to {"Smith", "Jones", "Aardvark", "AppleScript", "Walker", "Diplodocus", "Klein", "Zozzle", "Lazenby"}
	set christianNames to {"John", "Bert", "James", "Fred", "Ella", "Mabel", "Wayne", "Peter", "Mabel", "Avarice", "Verisimilitude", "Dinsdale", "Isambard", "Henrietta", "Stephen", "Philip", "Ringo", "Sid", "Genghis", "Hayley", "Caligula"}
	set lst to {}
	repeat until ((count lst) is 25)
		set r to {age:(random number from 21 to 35), surname:(some item of surnames), christianName:(some item of christianNames)}
		if (lst does not contain {r}) then set end of lst to r
	end repeat
	-- Do the sort.
	sort(lst, 1, -1, {comparer:descendingByAgeAscendingByName})
	return lst
end demo2

-- demo2()

8th April 2018: Replaced the dummy slave handlers, which were used when other lists weren’t being sorted in parallel with the main one, with conditional calls to the non-dummies. This makes sorts with parallel sorting very slightly less fast, but speeds up sorts without it (which are probably more usual) by a greater amount.
12th August 2018: Demos at end commented out for clarity.
29th October 2019: Check for r in lst in the second demo corrected following jean.o.matic’s comment below.

Wow!! It really is very fast. Thanks, Nigel.

Hi Nigel: I saw this article on timsort and thought you might be interested. I searched but didn’t find anything on macscripter.net about it.


Hi kerflooey.

Thanks for the link! I’ve downloaded a couple of descriptions of timsort and will no doubt become engrossed in it when I get a moment or three. :slight_smile:

Have been trying to speed up the natural merge sort, known as timsort in Python, but with no avail for unsorted data. Natural merge sort is of course the fastest when you have two ordered lists, even in AppleScript but I didn’t bother to post it here (iirc, I think I’ve mentioned natural merge sort somewhere).

It is true that natural merger sort (timsort) is insanely fast in programming languages like C. It makes use of the fact that unsorted data doesn’t exists, only worse case sorting. It works most efficiently using linked lists, a type of list AppleScript doesn’t support (anymore).

Well. I’ve done an initial literal translation of the Timsort code in the hackernoon article into AppleScript, implementing a bug fix suggested by someone on GitHub, where it had also been posted. As one would expect, the result’s a disaster speedwise, given all the repeated list accesses and concatentations. It’s also nowhere near a full implementation of Timsort, since all it does is to grab runs of items which are already in order, sort each run (!) with a very inefficient insertion sort, and then merge the runs. If I’ve correctly understood Tim Peters’s own description of the sort, it should also grab and reverse any runs of items which are exactly in reversed order, extend and presort runs to get optimal lengths for merging (hence the need for the insertion sort), and implement fiendishly complex optimisations of the merges themselves. :o

I may be gone some time…. :wink:

Thanks Nigel for all these sorting algorithms. Your knowledge of them and how you adapt them in nice Applescript code is amazing. I always search MacScripter for your scripts when I need a sorting algorithm for a special task. I also learned how to make a more versatile handler by passing the comparaison object as a parameter.

Just a remark about the second demo in the iterative version where you wrote this line:
if (lst does not contain r) then set end of lst to r

to test the inclusion of a record in a list. This never worked for me (always false).
This simple test produced a list of 100 items with only 27 unique one:

set surnames to {"Smith", "Jones", "Taylor"}
set christianNames to {"John", "Bert", "Williams"}
set lst to {}
repeat until ((count lst) is 100)
	set r to {age:(random number from 21 to 23), surname:(some item of surnames), christianName:(some item of christianNames)}
	if (lst does not contain r) then set end of lst to r
end repeat
return {lst, lst's length}

Model: iMac 2017
AppleScript: 25.1.7
Browser: Safari 605.1.15
Operating System: macOS 10.14

Thanks, jean.o.matic!

That’s a mistake on my part. I was forgetting that records and lists have to be explicity presented in lists when using ‘contains’ or ‘is in’ to see if other lists contain them:
if (lst does not contain {r}) then set end of lst to r.

‘contains’ and ‘is in’ are commands which compare lists. If the item to be checked isn’t a list, it’s coerced to one for the comparison, which is OK with most values, but not with records and lists!

set lst to {{age:35, surname:"Bloggs", christianName:"Bill"}, {99, "Smith", "Rumplestiltskin"}, 44, "Aardvark", "Aaron"}

lst contains "Aaron" --> true. ("Aaron" coerced to {"Aaron"}.)
lst contains {"Aaron"} --> true.  ({"Aaron"} explicit.)

lst contains {age:35, surname:"Bloggs", christianName:"Bill"} --> false. (Record coerced to three-item list.)
lst contains {{age:35, surname:"Bloggs", christianName:"Bill"}} --> true

lst contains {99, "Smith", "Rumplestiltskin"} --> false
lst contains {{99, "Smith", "Rumplestiltskin"}} --> true

lst contains {44, "Aardvark", "Aaron"} --> true

I’ll edit my post above.