Have automator go to a specific cell in excel

I am trying to get automator to open an excel spreadsheet and go to a specific cell. I have tried this,

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
    tell active sheet
        goto "B12"
    end tell
end tell

and this

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
    goto "R2C2"    
end tell

and excel will activate, but the box doesn’t move.

Model: iMac 10.14
Browser: Safari 605.1.15
Operating System: macOS 10.14

goto a literal string cannot work.

You want to select a range:

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	select range "B12"
end tell

Thank you!!!


Is there a way to get Automator to go to a cell just by giving it a number.

Let’s say we end at c15, but I need it to go to c14. We are already in the correct column, I just need it to move to a different row.

I am trying to keep from having to make a special script for each day of the week. I have a script that says where to start on a column, but sometimes it gets one or two off in the rows and I want to give it a starting point again.
