The Future Of Mac Automation Is Dark? new mac announcement

Today, seeing Apple’s silicon-applied MacBook and Mac mini product announcements, I am delighted and feel the future of Mac automation dark.

In the future, if Mac apps become sandboxed like iPhones and iPads, I worried that the current Applescript control will not work at all.

Will the situation where I am concerned now happen in the near future?

I’d love to hear your opinion on what you think about it

And, if that happens, I want to know if there might be alternatives for scripters to choose from

Best regards

Check out this post:

opensource booms nowadays, if we do not care by ourselves, then your worries could be right!

I admit that the question I wrote was a bit vague

It seems that the time when I became interested in Mac automation in earnest was from the time of Maverick (OSX 10.9)

Every time a new macOS comes out, I feel that security is getting stronger, and even recently, there is a thing called Notarization in macOS catalina.

My question focuses more on this point than on the sandbox

Just as the text messaging app cannot be accessed by other apps on the iPhone,‘Wouldn’t Apple go about making it more difficult or even blocking the delivery of Apple events between Mac applications?’
I think. And, this is why I wrote this question

I’m just wondering if other people have different opinions on my thoughts

In terms of when and where you can send Apple events, Big Sur is no different to Catalina.

First of all, thanks to Shane, Fredrik71, and Joy for the answers.
I would like to hear more diverse opinions