FM, AppleScript and Big Sur


I have a whole bunch of processes working inside Fm using AppleScript. On Big Sur some seem to work and other are causing FM to hang. Can’t as yet find a common denominator but reckon it could be a security issue with Big Sur. In FM I have the the Apple Events and Active X extended privileges activated.

Anyone with similar issues?

Model: MacBook Pro mid 2014
AppleScript: 2.11
Browser: Safari 605.1.15
Operating System: macOS 10.14

I don’t have Filemaker at the moment, but I would venture to suggest that you should 1) give this application full disk access, 2) grant to this application permissions to control your computer, 3) if the scripts inside FM uses GUI scripting, then you should grant to System Events permissions to control your computer as well.

Thanks KniazidisR

but I answered my own question bt finding out that FM 16 is unstable with Big Sur
Sorry to waste peoples time here