Convert Calendar events

Hi all,
Is there any way to convert Calendar events extracted using “standard” approach and those extracted using Shane’s library “CalendarLib EC”?
Basically I wold like to convert (back and forward) between ‘theEventsUsingCalendarLib’ and ‘theEventsUsingCalendarApp’, in the example below.

"CalendarLib EC" version "1.1.3" -- put this at the top of your scripts
use scripting additions

set d1 to current date
set d2 to d1 + 7 * days
set theStore to fetch store
set theCal to fetch calendar "Home" cal type cal cloud event store theStore -- change to suit
set theEventsUsingCalendarLib to first item of (fetch events starting date d1 ending date d2 searching cals {theCal} event store theStore)

tell application "Calendar"
	set theEventsUsingCalendarApp to first event of calendar "Home"
end tell