Scripting Keychain in OS X?

Is it possible to script the keychain in OS X? I know in OS 9 you can just make the call “tell application “Keychain Scripting””, but when i try this is in OS X it asks me where the Application Keychain scripting is. I tried to see if Keychain access had a dictionary, but no such luck? Is there a new way of scripting the Keychain in OS X or has this feature not been implemented? Thanks for the help.

: Is it possible to script the keychain in OS X?
According to the AppleScript Sourcebook website: “The Mac OS X environment currently lacks many of the scripting additions and other scriptable items on which scripters have relied in the past…The items that are missing, or whose scriptability is missing, for the time being [include] Keychain Scripting.” (
I’m running OS X 10.1.2 and AppleScript 1.8.2b1 and it’s still missing here.