Need help formatting array to insert into table.

G’day folks.

I must be formatting the following incorrectly, as it logs errors when trying to insert the data into a 5 column table.

The blocked out code works fine, just my array is faulty, but it doesn’t generate an error.

Any body know what I’m doing wrong please?



set theMainData to {}
		repeat with x from 1 to count of theClientFinalList
			set ClientColumn to {}
			set end of ClientColumn to "|Client|:" & "\"" & item x of theClientFinalList & "\""
			set end of ClientColumn to "|AverageTime|:" & item x of TheAverageList
			set end of ClientColumn to "|MinTime|:" & item x of TheMinList
			set end of ClientColumn to "|MaxTime|:" & item x of TheMaxList
			set end of ClientColumn to "|NumberJobs|:" & item x of TheCountList
			set end of theMainData to ClientColumn
		end repeat
		display dialog item 1 of theMainData as text
		display dialog item 1 of item 1 of theMainData as text
		log theMainData
			set theDataSource to NSMutableArray's alloc()'s init()
			theDataSource's addObjectsFromArray_(theMainData)
			aTableView's reloadData()
		on error errmsg
			display dialog errmsg
		end try
		(*set theDataSource to NSMutableArray's alloc()'s init()
		set thedata to {{|Client|:"A Christmas Carol", |AverageTime|:128, MinTime:1, MaxTime:1, NumberJobs:9}, {Client:"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", AverageTime:140, MinTime:1, MaxTime:1, NumberJobs:9}, {Client:"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", AverageTime:131, MinTime:0, MaxTime:1, NumberJobs:9}, {Client:"War and Peace", AverageTime:168, MinTime:0, MaxTime:1, NumberJobs:9}}
		theDataSource's addObjectsFromArray_(thedata)
		aTableView's reloadData()*)

You’re doing to much work. All you need to do is build a normal AS list of records and use that, something like:

set theMainData to {}
repeat with x from 1 to count of theClientFinalList
	set end of theMainData to {client:"\"" & item x of theClientFinalList & "\"", AverageTime:item x of TheAverageList, MinTime:item x of TheMinList,...}
end repeat
theDataSource's addObjectsFromArray_(theMainData)
aTableView's reloadData()

G’day Shane.

Thanks, that works a treat.

