get all combinations

I got this far so far… it works but it’s not automated enough… needs more work!

set L to {"a", "b", "c"}

copy L to z
set y to {}
repeat with i from 1 to count of L
	set item 1 of z to (item i of L)
	repeat with j from 1 to count of L
		set item 2 of z to (item j of L)
		repeat with K from 1 to count of L
			set item 3 of z to (item K of L)
			set end of y to (z as text)
		end repeat
	end repeat
end repeat

return y

--> {"aaa", "aab", "aac", "aba", "abb", "abc", "aca", "acb", "acc", "baa", "bab", "bac", "bba", "bbb", "bbc", "bca", "bcb", "bcc", "caa", "cab", "cac", "cba", "cbb", "cbc", "cca", "ccb", "ccc"}


set inputList to {"a", "b", "c", "d"}

set resultList to {""}

repeat with oneVal in inputList
	set resultList to append(resultList, inputList)
end repeat


on append(someList, anotherList)
	set retVal to {}
	repeat with aVal in someList
		repeat with bVal in anotherList
			copy aVal & bVal to end of retVal
		end repeat
	end repeat
	return retVal
end append

-->{"aaaa", "aaab", "aaac", "aaad", "aaba", "aabb", "aabc", "aabd", "aaca", "aacb", "aacc", "aacd", "aada", "aadb", "aadc", "aadd", "abaa", "abab", "abac", "abad", "abba", "abbb", "abbc", "abbd", "abca", "abcb", "abcc", "abcd", "abda", "abdb", "abdc", "abdd", "acaa", "acab", "acac", "acad", "acba", "acbb", "acbc", "acbd", "acca", "accb", "accc", "accd", "acda", "acdb", "acdc", "acdd", "adaa", "adab", "adac", "adad", "adba", "adbb", "adbc", "adbd", "adca", "adcb", "adcc", "adcd", "adda", "addb", "addc", "addd", "baaa", "baab", "baac", "baad", "baba", "babb", "babc", "babd", "baca", "bacb", "bacc", "bacd", "bada", "badb", "badc", "badd", "bbaa", "bbab", "bbac", "bbad", "bbba", "bbbb", "bbbc", "bbbd", "bbca", "bbcb", "bbcc", "bbcd", "bbda", "bbdb", "bbdc", "bbdd", "bcaa", "bcab", "bcac", "bcad", "bcba", "bcbb", "bcbc", "bcbd", "bcca", "bccb", "bccc", "bccd", "bcda", "bcdb", "bcdc", "bcdd", "bdaa", "bdab", "bdac", "bdad", "bdba", "bdbb", "bdbc", "bdbd", "bdca", "bdcb", "bdcc", "bdcd", "bdda", "bddb", "bddc", "bddd", "caaa", "caab", "caac", "caad", "caba", "cabb", "cabc", "cabd", "caca", "cacb", "cacc", "cacd", "cada", "cadb", "cadc", "cadd", "cbaa", "cbab", "cbac", "cbad", "cbba", "cbbb", "cbbc", "cbbd", "cbca", "cbcb", "cbcc", "cbcd", "cbda", "cbdb", "cbdc", "cbdd", "ccaa", "ccab", "ccac", "ccad", "ccba", "ccbb", "ccbc", "ccbd", "ccca", "cccb", "cccc", "cccd", "ccda", "ccdb", "ccdc", "ccdd", "cdaa", "cdab", "cdac", "cdad", "cdba", "cdbb", "cdbc", "cdbd", "cdca", "cdcb", "cdcc", "cdcd", "cdda", "cddb", "cddc", "cddd", "daaa", "daab", "daac", "daad", "daba", "dabb", "dabc", "dabd", "daca", "dacb", "dacc", "dacd", "dada", "dadb", "dadc", "dadd", "dbaa", "dbab", "dbac", "dbad", "dbba", "dbbb", "dbbc", "dbbd", "dbca", "dbcb", "dbcc", "dbcd", "dbda", "dbdb", "dbdc", "dbdd", "dcaa", "dcab", "dcac", "dcad", "dcba", "dcbb", "dcbc", "dcbd", "dcca", "dccb", "dccc", "dccd", "dcda", "dcdb", "dcdc", "dcdd", "ddaa", "ddab", "ddac", "ddad", "ddba", "ddbb", "ddbc", "ddbd", "ddca", "ddcb", "ddcc", "ddcd", "ddda", "dddb", "dddc", "dddd"}

I was looking for a handler to calculate combinations recently and came across this thread. I’m not sure exactly what the proper math/computer term is for the process Regulus6633 was looking for, but just as an FYI, it’s not a mathematical combination.

A Combination is a unique group of items without regarding their order. So {1,2,3} and {3,2,1} are both the same combination. {1,2,3} = {3,2,1}. And each member of the original set can only be represented once in the combination. So {1,1,1} is not a valid combination of {1,2,3}.

A Permutation is a group of items where order is important. So {3,2,1} is a unique permutation of {1,2,3}, and so is {2,1,3} etc. Again, the mathematical definition of permutations also requires that each member of the original set be represented just once in the permutation. So {1,1,1} is not a permutation of {3,2,1}.

Anyway, I realize that Regulus6633 was looking for something different, but just in case anyone else is looking for combination & permutation handlers, as I was, here are some. I had searched throughout MacScripter and other AppleScript sites and was surprised I couldn’t find any. So it was a fun exercise porting these to AppleScript by using pseudo code I found while Google’ing. I’m also posting them to (a cool site I stumbled upon recently and could really use more AppleScript contributions, I’m doing my best to represent!):

on combinations(theList, k)
	script combinations
		on next_comb(c, k, n)
			set i to k
			set c's item i to (c's item i) + 1
			repeat while (i > 1 and c's item i ≥ n - k + 1 + i)
				set i to i - 1
				set c's item i to (c's item i) + 1
			end repeat
			if (c's item 1 > n - k + 1) then return false
			repeat with i from i + 1 to k
				set c's item i to (c's item (i - 1)) + 1
			end repeat
			return true
		end next_comb
		on delist(theList, theIndexList)
			repeat with i in theIndexList
				set i's contents to theList's item (i's contents)
			end repeat
			return theIndexList
		end delist
	end script

	set {c, r} to {{}, false}
	if class of theList = list then set {n, l} to {length of theList, true}
	if class of theList is in {real, integer} then set {n, l} to {theList as integer, false}
	if 0 < k and k ≤ n then
		repeat with i from 1 to k
			set end of c to i's contents
		end repeat
		if l then set r to {combinations's delist(theList, c's contents)}
		if not l then set r to {c's contents}
		repeat while combinations's next_comb(c, k, n)
			if l then set end of r to combinations's delist(theList, c's contents)
			if not l then set end of r to c's contents
		end repeat
	end if
	return r
end combinations

return combinations(4, 3)
--> {{1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 4}, {1, 3, 4}, {2, 3, 4}}

return combinations({"A", "B", "C", "D"}, 3)
--> {{"A", "B", "C"}, {"A", "B", "D"}, {"A", "C", "D"}, {"B", "C", "D"}}

on permutations(theList)
	script permutations
		property r : {}
		property l : true
		on permute(v, start, n)
			if l then set end of r to permutations's delist(theList, v's contents)
			if not l then set end of r to v's contents
			if start ≤ n then
				repeat with i from (n) to start by -1
					repeat with j from (i + 1) to n
						set {v's item i, v's item j} to {v's item j, v's item i}
						my permute(v, i + 1, n)
					end repeat
					set tmp to v's item i's contents
					repeat with k from i to (n - 1)
						set v's item k to v's item (k + 1)
					end repeat
					set v's item n to tmp
				end repeat
			end if
			return r
		end permute
		on delist(theList, theIndexList)
			repeat with i in theIndexList
				set i's contents to theList's item (i's contents)
			end repeat
			return theIndexList
		end delist
	end script
	set v to {}
	if class of theList = list then set {n, permutations's l} to {length of theList, true}
	if class of theList is in {real, integer} then set {n, permutations's l} to {theList as integer, false}
	repeat with i from 1 to n
		set end of v to i's contents
	end repeat
	return permutations's permute(v, 1, n)
end permutations

return permutations(3) 
--> {{1, 2, 3}, {1, 3, 2}, {2, 1, 3}, {2, 3, 1}, {3, 1, 2}, {3, 2, 1}}

return permutations({"A", "B", "C"})
--> {{"A", "B", "C"}, {"A", "C", "B"}, {"B", "A", "C"}, {"B", "C", "A"}, {"C", "A", "B"}, {"C", "B", "A"}}

Model: MacBook Pro
AppleScript: 2.0.1
Browser: Safari 4.0.4 5531.21.10
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)

What Regulus was looking for was counting

Given a list of n elements {e0, e1, e2, …e(n-1)},
list the numbers from 0 to n^(n-1) expressed base n,
substituting the characters e0, e1,…e(n-1) for the normal numeral digits (0,1,2,3,…)

is a restatement of his question.

Also, since lists are not sets, I think that “combination” is an appropriate term.
He’s not asking for combination of elements of a set (sets are unordered).
He asked for combinations of elements of a list (lists are ordered).

If you accept that a combination of elements of a list is a list, then its clearly order dependent.

One final point, most often listing all combinations or permutations is unneeded and very very slow. Both grow very fast and get very slow with small values of N.

The most common misuse of listing all combinations is to list all combinations to find the few that meets some condition.

Analysis of the situation is almost always possible and is always faster than listing all of the combinations and searching for those that meet the developer’s condition.

“What odd numbers are the sum of unique powers of 2 (9 = 1 + 8 + 8 is not such a number since two of the terms are equal) with the limitation that each term is < 2^16”

List all combinations and select is the wrong way to approach that problem.

Permutations got a brief airing on the MACSCRPT list in October/November 2004. (Subject: “Permute a list?”) My own effort, if you’re interested, was this.


Certainly blindingly fast, Nigel.

For others who might want to try it, beware the returns the list puts in the comments; particularly the one ending with item l (lower case L), which took me a few minutes to find because it compiles. The entire comment is:

Thanks, Nigel! Yes, I am interested, and always appreciate your contributions. And wow, is that fast!


The link doesn’t work anymore, so I hope someone posts the handlers that was in Nigel Garvey’s link. :slight_smile:

Here is a quick an dirty solution of my own, to hoover over all combinations of pairs in a set(list/array of elements.

set n to 4
# A combinatorial loop, that hoovers over all combinations of pairs with two elements in a set/list/array of elements.

repeat with i from 1 to (n - 1)
	repeat with j from (i + 1) to n
		log "" & i & " x " & j
	end repeat
end repeat
(*1 x 2*)
(*1 x 3*)
(*1 x 4*)
(*2 x 3*)
(*2 x 4*)
(*3 x 4*)

I still have my original scripts. The first is based directly on an algorithm in a document by Robert Sedgewick, the link to which at the top of the script still works!:

-- A port to AppleScript of "Improved version of Heap's method (recursive)"
-- found in Robert Sedgewick's PDF document "Permutation Generation Methods"
-- <>

-- Sedgewick's version recurses directly to the first three items in the list,
-- whose six possible combinations are added to the collection without further
-- recursion, presumably to combine speed with a convenient recursion exit. Any
-- further items are added into the permutation process as the recursion retreats,
-- each change of value in the current rightmost item being accompanied by all
-- possible arrangements of the items to its left. Changes to the rightmost item
-- are effected thus: at recursion levels handling an odd number of list items, the
-- rightmost item is exchanged with the leftmost item only; at recursion levels
-- handling an even number of list items, the rightmost item is exchanged with each
-- of the preceding items in turn, starting with the leftmost.
-- This script special-cases lists of less than three items.

on allPermutations(theList)
	script o
		property workList : missing value
		property permutations : {}
		property r : count theList -- index of the rightmost item
		on prmt(n)
			-- n is the index of the rightmost list item affected by this iteration
			-- and thus also the number of list items affected by this iteration (1 thru n)
			if n = 3 then
				-- These six permutations are hard-coded to reduce low-level recursion
				copy my workList to the end of my permutations
				set {v1, v2, v3} to my workList
				set item 2 of my workList to v1
				set item 1 of my workList to v2
				copy my workList to the end of my permutations
				set item 1 of my workList to v3
				set item 3 of my workList to v2
				copy my workList to the end of my permutations
				set item 1 of my workList to v1
				set item 2 of my workList to v3
				copy my workList to the end of my permutations
				set item 1 of my workList to v2
				set item 3 of my workList to v1
				copy my workList to the end of my permutations
				set item 1 of my workList to v3
				set item 2 of my workList to v2
				copy my workList to the end of my permutations
				-- Precalculate some values for the repeat
				set nMinus1 to n - 1 -- parameter for next-level recursions
				set nIsEven to (n mod 2 = 0) -- true if n is even
				set x to 1 -- the default index with which to swap if n is odd
				-- Get all permutations of items 1 thru (n - 1) with the current item n
				-- Repeat with successive values of item n
				repeat with i from 1 to nMinus1
					-- If n is even, swap items n and i, otherwise default to swapping items n and 1
					if nIsEven then set x to i
					tell item x of my workList
						set item x of my workList to item n of my workList
						set item n of my workList to it
					end tell
				end repeat
			end if
		end prmt
	end script
	if o's r < 3 then
		-- Special-case lists of less than three items
		copy theList to the beginning of o's permutations
		if o's r is 2 then set the end of o's permutations to the reverse of the beginning of o's permutations
		-- Otherwise use the recursive handler
		copy theList to o's workList
		o's prmt(o's r)
	end if
	return o's permutations
end allPermutations

allPermutations({1, 2, 3, 4, 5})

But I prefer this one, a modification which permutes from the right instead of from the left, giving a more ordered appearance to the results (for those of us who normally read from left to right):

-- A port to AppleScript of "Improved version of Heap's method (recursive)"
-- found in Robert Sedgewick's PDF document "Permutation Generation Methods"
-- <>
-- This version attempts to produces a slightly more "sorted" result than
-- Sedgewick's, by recursing directly to the *last* three items in the list, whose
-- six possible combinations are added to the collection without further recursion.
-- Any preceding items are added into the permutation process as the recursion
-- retreats, each change of value in the current leftmost item being accompanied by
-- all possible arrangements of the items to its right. Changes to the leftmost
-- item are effected thus: at recursion levels handling an odd number of list
-- items, the leftmost item is exchanged with the rightmost item only; at recursion
-- levels handling an even number of list items, the leftmost item is exchanged
-- with each of the following items in turn, starting with the rightmost.
-- This script special-cases lists of less than three items.

on allPermutations(theList)
	script o
		property workList : missing value
		property permutations : {}
		property r : count theList -- index of the rightmost item
		property m : r - 1 -- index of the middle item of the last three
		on prmt(l)
			-- l is the index of the leftmost item affected by this iteration
			set n to r - l + 1 -- n is the number of list items affected by this iteration (l thru r)
			if n = 3 then
				-- These six permutations are hard-coded to reduce low-level recursion
				copy my workList to the end of my permutations
				set {v1, v2, v3} to items l thru r of my workList
				set item m of my workList to v3
				set item r of my workList to v2
				copy my workList to the end of my permutations
				set item l of my workList to v2
				set item r of my workList to v1
				copy my workList to the end of my permutations
				set item m of my workList to v1
				set item r of my workList to v3
				copy my workList to the end of my permutations
				set item l of my workList to v3
				set item r of my workList to v2
				copy my workList to the end of my permutations
				set item m of my workList to v2
				set item r of my workList to v1
				copy my workList to the end of my permutations
				-- Precalculate some values for the repeat
				set lPlus1 to l + 1 -- parameter for next-level recursions
				set nIsEven to (n mod 2 = 0) -- true if n is even
				set x to r -- the default index with which to swap if n is odd
				-- Get all permutations of items (l +1) thru r with the current item l
				-- Repeat with successive values of item l
				repeat with i from r to lPlus1 by -1
					-- If n is even, swap items l and i, otherwise default to swapping items l and r
					if nIsEven then set x to i
					tell item x of my workList
						set item x of my workList to item l of my workList
						set item l of my workList to it
					end tell
				end repeat
			end if
		end prmt
	end script
	if o's r < 3 then
		-- Special-case lists of less than three items
		copy theList to the beginning of o's permutations
		if o's r is 2 then set the end of o's permutations to the reverse of the beginning of o's permutations
		-- Otherwise use the recursive handler
		copy theList to o's workList
		o's prmt(1)
	end if
	return o's permutations
end allPermutations

allPermutations({1, 2, 3, 4, 5})

No doubt Shane will produce an ASObjC version ere long. :wink:

Hello Nigel.

Thank you very much for posting your script. I want to play with it. I prefer lexical permutations as well, where they change the fastest on the right side of it. :slight_smile: In Thomas Calculus Version 10 there is a description of a routine for computing the distance between 2 such permutations. The number of interwening permutations + 1. One day, I am going to order that book! :slight_smile:

Pass. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmm. Well here’s my attempt. Much slower than the vanilla above, but at least it works, which is quite gratifying. :slight_smile:

Edits: Script modified in accordance with Shane’s suggestion in the following post and a couple of ideas pinched from Stefan further down the thread.

use AppleScript version "2.3.1"
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"

on allPermutations(theList)
	script o
		property workArray : missing value -- Formerly 'workList'.
		property permutations : {}
		property r : (count theList) - 1 -- zero-based index of the rightmost item
		property m : r - 1 -- zero-based index of the middle item of the last three
		on prmt(l)
			-- l is the zero-based index of the leftmost item affected by this iteration
			set n to r - l + 1 -- n is the number of list items affected by this iteration (l thru r)
			if (n is 3) then
				-- These six permutations are hard-coded to reduce low-level recursion
				permutations's addObject:(workArray's |copy|())
				workArray's exchangeObjectAtIndex:r withObjectAtIndex:m
				permutations's addObject:(workArray's |copy|())
				workArray's exchangeObjectAtIndex:r withObjectAtIndex:l
				permutations's addObject:(workArray's |copy|())
				workArray's exchangeObjectAtIndex:r withObjectAtIndex:m
				permutations's addObject:(workArray's |copy|())
				workArray's exchangeObjectAtIndex:r withObjectAtIndex:l
				permutations's addObject:(workArray's |copy|())
				workArray's exchangeObjectAtIndex:r withObjectAtIndex:m
				permutations's addObject:(workArray's |copy|())
				-- Precalculate some values for the repeat
				set lPlus1 to l + 1 -- parameter for next-level recursions
				set nIsEven to (n mod 2 = 0) -- true if n is even
				set x to r -- the default index with which to swap if n is odd
				-- Get all permutations of items (l +1) thru r with the current item l
				-- Repeat with successive values of item l
				repeat with i from r to lPlus1 by -1
					-- If n is even, swap items l and i, otherwise default to swapping items l and r
					if (nIsEven) then set x to i
					(workArray's exchangeObjectAtIndex:x withObjectAtIndex:l)
				end repeat
			end if
		end prmt
	end script
	if (o's r < 2) then
		-- Special-case lists of less than three items
		copy theList to the beginning of o's permutations
		if (o's r is 1) then set the end of o's permutations to the reverse of theList
		-- Otherwise use the recursive handler
		set o's workArray to current application's NSMutableArray's arrayWithArray:theList
		set o's permutations to current application's NSMutableArray's array()
		o's prmt(0)
	end if
	return o's permutations as list
end allPermutations

I can see I’m going to have to take up a new hobby :wink:

I ran both versions in a similar environment, and the original was a bit above 3 times as fast for the list of 5 items. But the gap narrows as you add numbers. At 9, I got 143 seconds vs 151. So I tweaked your script a smidge, to use copy() to make the new arrays like this:

 permutations's insertObject:(workArray's |copy|()) atIndex:len

That brought the time down to a whisker under 140. You have a winner :cool:

Thanks, Shane. :slight_smile:

Going right up to 9 items on my machine, my vanilla script takes 300 seconds and my ASObjC attempt 115! Your modification only brings this down to 114 seconds, but it’s still an obvious improvement and I’ve edited my post above accordingly.

For the curious ones:
It so happens that I have implemented such an function in my personal OSAX, which may sound a bit unfair. Obviously, it’s a C solution for AppleScript, but it’s only 3 times faster than Nigel’s Objective-C version (32 seconds, against 105). The bottleneck in Nigel’s vanilla solution is the same as in C, copying 362,880 times to a list and place it in a growing list. The AppleScriptObjC version completely depends on AppleEvents but has no data handling on it’s own. It so happens that for the first time I see that AppleScriptObjC comes close to OSAX in performance.

The permutation in this post is maybe worth to translate to AppleScriptObjC, it could avoid copying and swapping making it run a lot faster.


Lexical next R- combination:

This is a very nice and useful thread. Some times, it may take a long time to generate a full set of permutations and combinations, then we may create one at a time, to spread the cost. Here is a handler that delivers the next combination. You have to compute the number of combinations up front, so you don’t exceed the number of possible combinations, you also have to subtract one combination, since you started with one. For instance, if I start with {1,2}, a pair from the set of {1,2,3,4}, I can only iterate 5 times, since the total number of combinations are 6.
you may of course change the algorithm to start the cycle over again, if you so wish.


	Get next R combination.
	Pseudo code from Kenneth. H. Rosen Discrete mathematics and its applications p. 385.

	Returns the next set.
	 a: the former combination
	 v: the set from where the combinations are from
	 r: the number of items in the combination.


on next_R_Combination(a, v, r)
	set {i, n} to {r, length of v}
	if i ≥ n then error "next_R_Combination:  Error: Subset greater or equal to superset in length."
	if r ≠ length of a then error "next_R_Combination:  Error: Length of subset not equal to r."
		repeat while (item i of a) = n - r + i
			set i to i - 1
		end repeat
	on error
		error "next_R_Combination:  Error: Passed over the last combination"
	end try
	set item i of a to ((item i of a) + 1)
	repeat with j from (i + 1) to r
		set item j of a to (item i of a) + j - i
	end repeat
	return a
end next_R_Combination
# driver for next_R_Combination

set m to next_R_Combination({1, 2, 5, 6}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, 4)
--> {1, 3, 4, 5}
	text 0 of m
on error e
	set ofs to offset of "of " in e
	display dialog (text (ofs + 3) thru -2 of e)
end try

Edited, removed superfluous assignment in the driver/test of the algorithm.
Added some clarity to the description of the handler.


Here is the lexical r-permutation counterpart of the handler above, this one, takes the former permutation as an argument, and delivers the next one (in lexical order), as above, it is important to keep track of the number of calls as well, so you don’t overstep the number of possible permutations.

The advantage of this approach, is to spread the cost of creating the permutations, over the run of “something”.


	Get next R permutation.
	Pseudo code from Kenneth. H. Rosen Discrete mathematics and its applications p. 384.

	Returns the next lexical permutation, based on the permutation passed..
	 a: the former permutation

on next_R_Permutation(a)
	set n to (length of a)
	set j to n - 1
		repeat while (item j of a) > item (j + 1) of a
			set j to j - 1
		end repeat
	on error
		error "next_R_Permutation:  Error: Passed over the last permutation"
	end try
	# j is now the largest subscript with item j of a < item (j+1) of a	
	set k to n
	repeat while item j of a > item k of a
		set k to k - 1
	end repeat
  item k of a is now the smallest integer greater than item j of a
  to the right of item j of a
	local rptmp
	set rptmp to item j of a
	set item j of a to item k of a
	set item k of a to rptmp
	set r to n
	set s to j + 1
	repeat while r > s
		set rptmp to item r of a
		set item r of a to item s of a
		set item s of a to rptmp
		set r to r - 1
		set s to s + 1
	end repeat
	return a
end next_R_Permutation

# driver for next_R_permutation
set m to next_R_Permutation({3, 1, 2})
--> {3,2,1}
	text 0 of m
on error e
	set ofs to offset of "of " in e
	display dialog (text (ofs + 3) thru -2 of e)
end try

Hi DJ.

I’ve just added a comment about that script to the end of that thread.

Otherwise, I’m not quite sure what you’re saying about it. Are you asking for an AppleScriptObjC version?

Edit: Here is one. You call the ‘permute’ handler with just the original list. It’s not as fast as the script in post #13.
Further edits: Another script improvement from Shane and two from Stefan. :slight_smile:

use AppleScript version "2.3.1"
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"

property permutations : missing value

on permute(theList)
	set theArray to current application's NSMutableArray's arrayWithArray:theList
	set permutations to current application's NSMutableArray's array()
	prmt(theArray, 0, (count theList) - 1)
	return my permutations as list
end permute

on prmt(theArray, theStart, theEnd)
	if (theStart = theEnd) then
		permutations's addObject:theArray
		repeat with x from theStart to theEnd
			set theCopy to theArray's mutableCopy()
			if (x > theStart) then (theCopy's exchangeObjectAtIndex:theStart withObjectAtIndex:x)
			prmt(theCopy, theStart + 1, theEnd)
		end repeat
	end if
end prmt

My timings were rough (and late!), but that’s very interesting. I guess I’m still intrigued by why one version scales better than the other. AppleScript garbage collection is one obvious potential factor, but I wonder if there’s more to it.

Perhaps I misunderstand what you’re getting at, but AppleScriptObjC doesn’t involve any Apple events.

That is interesting. If you were anyone else, I’d tell you to check your code :slight_smile: