Quicktime question

Has anyone worked with Applescript & Quicktime to change MP3’s into *.AIFF files? It’s pretty easy to do manually - scripting doesn’t seem to help.

Apple has a sample code that closely resembles what I’m trying to get done - it deals with DV files & Applescript.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated[/b]

I would use a recursive droplet (the quicktime droplet template would work)
and make my movie processing commands look something like this.

				export movie 1 to file new_file as MPEG4 using default settings with replacing

Obviously this one is for MP4 at the default setting, changing it to AIFF or any of the other export options would work.
The Quicktime Dictionary for Export allows these export types:

There is a way of using a setting contained in a file but I have never used it.
I have my MP4 exporter that I use instead of the iTunes exporter if want to use it as an example.