Check if folder contains subfolders ?

Context, if the folder specified contains subfolders then set the current view to icon view. Else, set the current view to flow view (aka gallery view). I provided a simple example of what I’m looking for. The current example returns: error "Can’t make «class cfol» Number: -1700. This question is pretty straightforward yet I have found no relatively straightforward answer. Any help is much appreciated!

tell application “Finder”

if contents of the folder “Downloads” of home contains folders then

set the current view of the window of folder “Downloads” of home to icon view


set the current view of the window of folder “Downloads” of home to flow view

end if

end tell

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tell application "Finder"
	set currentWindow to the front Finder window
	set currentDirectory to the target of currentWindow
		set aFolder to the first folder of currentDirectory
		set the current view of currentWindow to icon view
	on error
		set the current view of currentWindow to flow view
	end try
end tell

Please use the applescript code tags when posting code.

Or this is the same but may be a bit clearer to read:

tell application "Finder"
	set currentWindow to the front Finder window
	set currentDirectory to the target of currentWindow
	if exists (the first folder of currentDirectory) then
		set the current view of currentWindow to icon view
		set the current view of currentWindow to flow view
	end if
end tell