how to add colour to colour well using LAB

I would like to add some color to a few Color Wells, I have found various ways to do this, but they all seem to involve
RGB colors, the colors I want to add are LAB which are pulled from Indesign, I can’t seem to find anything that can convert LAB to RGB
to be able to work, if such a thing exists that is.

I am working in Indesign and getting the LAB values from PANTONE spot color’s Coated and Uncoated
and then I’m trying to take the values and have the colour shown in the colour well

I have adapted this code which was originally set up for CMYK colours, written by Shane from here

In xcode I have a property

 property NSColor : class "NSColor"

a colour well property Color_1 : missing value (only 1 at the moment until I can figure the rest out)

This gets the LAB colours from an Indesign project (works great)

trying to get the LAB value’s to fill Color Wells is the issue

tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2019"
    tell document 1
        --delete unused swatches
        set allSwatches to every swatch
        set swatchCount to count of allSwatches
        repeat with i from 1 to swatchCount
            set thisSwatch to item i of allSwatches
            if name of thisSwatch is not "None" and space of thisSwatch is LAB then
                set swatchColor to color value of thisSwatch
                set lll to ((item 1 of swatchColor) as integer)
                set aaa to ((item 2 of swatchColor) as integer)
                set bbb to ((item 3 of swatchColor) as integer)
                set swatchMix to result
                set swatchMix to ("    L  " & lll & "  A " & aaa & "  B " & bbb)
                display dialog {{name of thisSwatch} & swatchMix} as string
            end if
        end repeat
    end tell
end tell 


ok, so I figured out how to convert LAB to RGB getting and sending the info from Indesign to a python script and then having the converted colour space returned back to my project, that was a mission and I learnt a lot along the way, I have managed to have the RGB colour returned added to a colour well, but have decided id like to add the colour to text in each text cell.


at the same time I figured out through a lot of looking around how create table views, using “text cells” using array controllers, that also was a mission, but a lot of fun.

at the moment i’m trying to find out how to add colour to text in individual text cells, i’ve seen a few posts at macscripter, but they seem inconclusive, and the web as far as I can see doesn’t offer up to much either, can some one please show a working example of adding colour to text in text cells, each text is on a different line.