Scriptable Email Apps?


I’ve heard the new Microsoft Outlook has dropped Applescript. Very bad news for my workflow. Can anyone recommend a good Applescriptable email app? The minimum requirements are:

  • Create new html email with Subject, Body, recipients, cc, bcc, and up to 3 attachments.
  • Use Exchange account.
  • Store new email in drafts folder for manual modifications.
  • Send all emails in drafts folder at one time.

Thanks for any tips!

Pardon the bump, I haven’t found anything suitable yet!

Bumping again. Any recommendations for an Applescriptable email client?

Outlook works with applescript, html, drafts, attachments …

Google for it, there are a lot examples

The new Outlook Applescript implementation is not ready yet, but the support chat told me that this feature is in work.

But you can use outlook with the old design which supports applescript, even on a M1 Mac.


Apple Mail forever :slight_smile:

But no scriptable HTML E-Mail (with attachments) since macOS 10.10

Thanks A. I’m currently using Outlook, and it works well. Your information about using the new version but not using the new design is something I was wondering about. If Applescript is still there using the old design, I’ll be good! Thanks again!