Microsoft Excel - Tell Active Window No Longer Working

I have been using MS Excel 2011 because it has been so much faster for my AppleScripts. However now on 16.29 because I have to be due to the OS this code is no longer working for some reason.

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	tell active window
		set name of font object of selection to "Arial"
		set color of font object of selection to {0, 128, 0} --Green
		set font size of font object of selection to 12
		set bold of font object of selection to false
		set strikethrough of font object of selection to false
		set underline of font object of selection to underline style none
		set italic of font object of selection to false
	end tell
end tell

I have Catalina and a different version of Excel. Therefore, you will have to test my proposal yourself. So, it’s often helpful to tell AppleScript explicitly to which object the object you want belongs to. This is done using the its keyword. Also, sometimes adding parentheses and the get keyword helps:

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	tell (get its active window) -- EDITED (full syntax)
		tell (get its selection) -- ADDED (full syntax)
			tell (get its font object) -- ADDED (full syntax)
				set name to "Arial"
				set color to {0, 128, 0} -- Green
				set font size to 12
				set bold to false
				set strikethrough to false
				set underline to underline style none
				set italic to false
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

Thank you very much that worked!