List Creation, Iteration & Manipulation (fun little exercise)

This fun little script displays all ASCII Characters in a display dialogue.

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions

set i to 255
set p to 0
set l to {}

repeat with x from 1 to i
		set p to p + 1
		set l to l & ¬
	on error
		set l to l & ¬
			" "
	end try
end repeat

set u to ""
set r to 0

repeat with y from 1 to (count l)
		set r to r + 1
		set q to item r of l
		set u to u & ¬
			(ASCII character q) & ¬
			" "
	on error
		set u to u & ¬
			" "
	end try
end repeat
set h to items 150 through 152 of u as list

display dialog u & "

" with title "ASCII Characters" buttons {(ASCII character 240)}


But your script is wildly inefficient.

Here is a slimmed down version

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions

set u to ""

repeat with x from 32 to 255 -- start at 32, all characters below are non-printing & control codes
		set u to u & (character id x) & " "
	on error
		set u to u & " "
	end try
end repeat

-- set h to items 150 through 152 of u as list -- not sure what this did?

display dialog u & "" with title "UTF8 Characters" buttons {(character id 63743)}

…and here is a version that skips over all non-printing character codes

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions

set u to ""

set x to 32 -- chars 0 to 31 are control codes (i.e. invisible)
repeat until x > 255
		set u to u & (character id x) & " "
	on error
		set u to u & " "
	end try
	set x to x + 1
	if x = 127 then set x to 160 -- chars 127 to 159 are more control codes (i.e. invisible)
end repeat

display dialog u & "" with title "UTF8 Characters" buttons {(character id 63743)}