How Do I Combine Multiple Numbers Sheets Into Existing One?

It seems that I got it.

master merge new.scpt
written for

Consolidate datas from several Numbers documents in a single one
2017/04/13 use a flag to rule the mode areContiguous or aren't

--use AppleScript version "2.4"
--use scripting additions
--use framework "Foundation"

script o
	# These properties will be visible from the handler but will not be saved on disk
	property peopleNames : {}
	property targetName : missing value
end script

property twoSpaces : space & space
property threeSpaces : space & space & space
property windowMenu : 11 # Index of the menu "Window"

set path2Target to choose file with prompt "Please select today's Master:" of type {"", ""} # Edit to fit your needs
--set startDate to current application's NSDate's |date|()
set folder4peoples to (path to desktop as text) & "Daily Sheets" # Edit to fit you needs
tell application "Finder"
	set peopleFiles to every file of folder folder4peoples as alias list
end tell

# Now we have a list of the available people files
# The main document is supposed to be 
tell application id ""
	open path2Target # it's an alias
	set o's targetName to name of document 1
	set o's peopleNames to {}
	repeat with aPeopleFile in peopleFiles
		set aPeopleDoc to open aPeopleFile
		set end of o's peopleNames to name of aPeopleDoc
	end repeat
end tell
# Now we have a list of the available people documents

# params for tables from sheet Watch List
set upper1_1 to 2
set upper1_2 to 2
set upper1_6 to 2
set upperInMain to 2

# params for table from sheet PASTE HERE
set upper3_1 to 1 # CAUTION, there is no header row in the table PASTE HERE !
set upperInMain3 to 1

set filledInWatchList to upperInMain
set filledInScheduledCallbacks to upperInMain
set filledInVoicemailTracker to upperInMain
set filledInPASTEHERE to upperInMain3

repeat with aPeopleName in o's peopleNames # Edit sheets and tables names to fit your needs.
	set rowsInWatchList to 0
	set rowsInScheduledCallbacks to 0
	set rowsInVoicemailTracker to 0
	set rowsInPASTEHERE to 0
	#----- treat table Watch List
	set rowsInWatchList to my importFrom(aPeopleName, "Watch List", "Watch List", false, {"B", "I"}, upper1_1, filledInWatchList, 0) # 0 to force to to grab the count of rows filled
	# transfer contiguous columns
	set rowsInWatchList to my importFrom(aPeopleName, "Watch List", "Watch List", true, {"K", "N"}, upper1_1, filledInWatchList, rowsInWatchList)
	set filledInWatchList to filledInWatchList + rowsInWatchList - 1 # don't repeat the header row
	#----- treat table Scheduled Callbacks
	set rowsInScheduledCallbacks to my importFrom(aPeopleName, "Watch List", "Scheduled Callbacks", false, {"A"}, upper1_2, filledInScheduledCallbacks, 0) # 0 to force to to grab the count of rows filled (I deliberately missed the brackets around "A")
	# transfer contiguous columns
	set rowsInScheduledCallbacks to my importFrom(aPeopleName, "Watch List", "Scheduled Callbacks", true, {"E", "M"}, upper1_2, filledInScheduledCallbacks, rowsInScheduledCallbacks)
	set filledInScheduledCallbacks to filledInScheduledCallbacks + rowsInScheduledCallbacks - 1 # don't repeat the header row
	#----- treat table Voicemail Tracker
	set rowsInVoicemailTracker to my importFrom(aPeopleName, "Watch List", "Voicemail Tracker", false, {"A"}, upper1_6, filledInVoicemailTracker, 0) # 0 to force to to grab the count of rows filled (This time I put the brackets around "A")
	# transfer contiguous columns
	set rowsInVoicemailTracker to my importFrom(aPeopleName, "Watch List", "Voicemail Tracker", true, {"D", "E"}, upper1_6, filledInVoicemailTracker, rowsInVoicemailTracker) # I deliberately missed the brackets
	set filledInVoicemailTracker to filledInVoicemailTracker + rowsInVoicemailTracker - 1 # don't repeat the header row
	#----- treat table PASTE HERE
	# transfer contiguous columns
	set rowsInPASTEHERE to my importFrom(aPeopleName, "PASTE HERE", "PASTE HERE", true, {"A", "F"}, upper3_1, filledInPASTEHERE, 0) # 0 to force to to grab the count of rows filled
	set filledInPASTEHERE to filledInPASTEHERE + rowsInPASTEHERE # no header row in PASTE HERE
end repeat
display notification "The Master Has Been Merged!" with title "Thanks For Using Master Merger!" sound name "Glass.aiff"
--set timeDiff to startDate's timeIntervalSinceNow()
--tell application (path to frontmost application as string) to display dialog "That took " & (-timeDiff as real) & " seconds."


on importFrom(aPeopleName, sheetName, tableName, areContiguous, theColumns, higherRowInPeople, higherRowInTarget, maxNumber)
	local firstColumn, lastColumn, aColumn, i, maybe, theRange
	# Take care of possible omission of brackets when there is a single column to treat
	if class of theColumns is not list then set theColumns to {theColumns}
	if areContiguous then
		# the list describes a group of contiguous columns
		set firstColumn to theColumns's item 1
		set lastColumn to theColumns's item -1 # use -1 in case the list contain the name of every columns to treat
		tell application id "" to tell document aPeopleName to tell sheet sheetName to tell table tableName
			if maxNumber = 0 then
				tell column firstColumn
					repeat with i from 1 to (count rows)
						if value of cell i is in {missing value, "", space, twoSpaces, threeSpaces} then exit repeat
					end repeat
				end tell
				copy i to maxNumber
			end if
			set theRange to (name of cell higherRowInPeople of column firstColumn) & ":" & (name of cell (maxNumber) of column lastColumn)
			set selection range to range theRange
		end tell # Numbers
		my copyPasteSelection(aPeopleName, sheetName, tableName, higherRowInTarget, firstColumn)
		# transfer non contiguous columns
		tell application id ""
			repeat with aColumn in theColumns
				tell document aPeopleName to tell sheet sheetName to tell table tableName
					if maxNumber = 0 then
						tell column (theColumns's item 1)
							repeat with i from 1 to (count rows)
								if value of cell i is in {missing value, "", space, twoSpaces, threeSpaces} then exit repeat
							end repeat
						end tell
						copy i to maxNumber
					end if
					tell column aColumn
						set theRange to (name of cell higherRowInPeople) & ":" & (name of cell (maxNumber))
					end tell
					set selection range to range theRange
					set maybe to i - higherRowInPeople + 1
					if (maybe > maxNumber) then set maxNumber to maybe
				end tell # document
				my copyPasteSelection(aPeopleName, sheetName, tableName, higherRowInTarget, aColumn)
			end repeat
		end tell # Numbers
	end if
	return maxNumber
end importFrom


on copyPasteSelection(docSourceName, sheetName, tableName, targetRow, targetColumn)
	tell application "System Events" to tell process "Numbers"
		set frontmost to true # REQUIRED
		tell menu bar 1 to tell menu bar item windowMenu to tell menu 1 to click menu item docSourceName # brings the source window to front
		keystroke "c" using {command down}
	end tell
	tell application id ""
		# the clipboard contains the datas from a people
		tell document (o's targetName) to tell sheet sheetName to tell table tableName
			if (targetRow > (count rows)) then
				repeat (targetRow - (count rows)) times
					add row below last row
				end repeat
			end if
			set selection range to range (name of cell targetRow of column targetColumn)
		end tell
	end tell # Numbers
	tell application "System Events" to tell process "Numbers"
		tell menu bar 1 to tell menu bar item windowMenu to tell menu 1 to click menu item (o's targetName) # brings the target window to front
		keystroke "v" using {command down, option down, shift down}
	end tell
end copyPasteSelection


I left some instructions (disabled) used as a timer when I ran it.

It appears that pasting the full range of columns with a script doesn’t behave exactly as pasting the same range by hand. So I returned to the scheme pasting only the columns in which peoples insert datas.

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.4 in French (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 14 avril 2017 11:19:53

Yes! It works now, you figured it out! That’s interesting to know how the script can behave differently than by hand.
Also, I tried to use your timer by re-enabling the 3 lines, but on run it said “NSDate doesn’t understand the “date” message.” Do you use something special that I don’t have for that?

set startDate to current application's NSDate's |date|()

I guess that you missed to enable three instructions at the very beginning.

--use AppleScript version "2.4" # Enable it
--use scripting additions # Enable it
--use framework "Foundation" # Enable it

script o
   # These properties will be visible from the handler but will not be saved on disk
   property peopleNames : {}
   property targetName : missing value
end script

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.4 in French (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 14 avril 2017 18:22:24

Hahaha I did not know those were commands, thought they were just notes!
In fact I might leave the timer on in the final version I like it so much; is there a way to just round the time to the closest second?

Nevermind, changed REAL to INTEGER! I’m learning!
Thanks again for all the help! I hope I can use some of this script in a future project I have in mind.

An exercise for the asker:

edit your notification so that it displays the required time. :stuck_out_tongue:

Leaving the decimal value is useful when we want to test pieces of code executing quickly to compare different versions.

Sometimes we may insert the code in a loop repeating the task 10 or 100 times but when the task moves a file we can’t use the loop trick.

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.4 in French (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 14 avril 2017 21:46:47

Okay , the script has been working GREAT the last few days! The only thing that bugs me is having tons of documents open once the merge is done. IS there a way to tell it to close all the files it opened after the merge was completed?
