Solution: NSStatusBar + ASS

Hi Guys,

You may remember me from last year when i was programming MultiAlarm, thanks to Dom i have moved on to Cocoa and the works, however one thing that kept bugging me from the old days was the lack of methods to create a NSStatusItem like many other programs.

So with the help of Dom we created this nifty addition which allows a programmer to create a NSStatusBar and remove it simply with no experience in ObjC/Cocoa

Since i am currently without a Mac i am unable to fully documentate and write a guide but i have attached a nice little example that hopefully you can work from. Basically all you do is create a NSMenu like normal in Interface Builder and do all your normal AppleScripting, but when you want the menu in the status bar just call the addition like in the example with the NSMenu referenced.

PS. As a nice requested feature from Dom over the annoyance of many programs having menu items when they shouldnt, there is a default that allows it to be disabled currently returns nil when set the default is disableStatusItem 1==Disable/0==Allow

PSS. This addition is in the alpha stages and probably has a few flaws eg the disableStatusItem default however if you do try it out please do tell me your experience, and maybe give some credit to me and Dom

Anyone tried it?