Parsing multiple email message files to CSV file


I would like to parse customers’ address information from email messages. Each message contains only one customer. I have created a seperate mailbox called “Addresses”. I move the messages manually to Addresses mailbox at the end of day. I have thought that an AppleScript could be used to parse the message files (.emlx) for address information and create a CSV file (or export them to Excel, if that’s easier).

The messages contain the address data in the following form:

name: John Smith
address: 234 One Way Street
postal code: 12345
city: Springfield

Unfortunately I’m new to AppleScripting and not even sure where to start from. Could someone help a little, thank you!

Hi roskaposti,

I found your automation request quite interesting and have just created an AppleScript prototype, that will hopefully get you started to accomplish your task. It is not the nicest script on planet earth, but it works and shows you the general idea of parsing and extracting the address info from multiple eMail messages.

I don’t know the specifications of CSV files exactly (text encoding?), I just added some code that saves the csv content as UTF-8.

-- csv container with column headers
set csvcont to "name, address, postal code, city" & return

tell application "Mail"
	-- getting the selected messages
	set msgs to (selection as list)
	if msgs is not {} then
		set countmsgs to length of msgs
		repeat with i from 1 to countmsgs
			set msg to item i of msgs
			-- getting the content of the eMail message
			set msgcont to content of msg
			-- getting the lines of the message content
			set contlines to paragraphs of msgcont
			set countlines to length of contlines
			-- poor man's verification
			if countlines is equal to 4 then
				set addressinfoset to ""
				-- extracting the address infos from the lines
				repeat with i from 1 to countlines
					set contline to item i of contlines
					set colonoffset to offset of ":" in contline
					set addressinfo to (characters (colonoffset + 2) through -1 of contline) as Unicode text
					if i is equal to countlines then
						set addressinfoset to addressinfoset & addressinfo
						set addressinfoset to addressinfoset & addressinfo & ", "
					end if
				end repeat
				-- adding the address infos to the csv container
				if i is equal to countmsgs then
					set csvcont to csvcont & addressinfoset & return
					set csvcont to csvcont & addressinfoset & return
				end if
			end if
		end repeat
	end if
end tell

-- writing the
set filepath to "/Users/martin/Desktop/sample.csv"

	set openfile to open for access filepath with write permission
	set eof of openfile to 0
	set BOM_UTF8 to ((ASCII character 239) & (ASCII character 187) & (ASCII character 191))
	write BOM_UTF8 to openfile
	write csvcont to openfile as «class utf8»
	close access openfile
	return true
on error
		close access openfile
	end try
	return false
end try

Best regards,
